Have said many times about being a pre-1970s classic film fan, of all genres and decades, a lot of my favourite films being made between the 1930s and 1960s. The same applies too for films from the 1970s onwards. Am not saying that every pre-1970s film is great, there are a fair share of average all the way down to dud ones but they are out-weighed by the very good to classic films (the best parodied and referenced numerous times since and influenced many film-makers).
Preston Sturges had for me one of the best "golden years"/prime period for any director, which started with his debut film 'The Great McGinty' (which is very good). My definition of this is when a director makes 5 or more great films in a row. From this period, even when the film was one of the weaker ones it still managed to be good and more, which is testament to how great and more his best golden years/"prime period" films were. Feel the same about 'Christmas in July' as with 'The Great McGinty', though slightly preferring the former. Found 'Christmas in July' to be a joy to watch and deserving of more praise than it gets, when it comes to satirising dreamers placing faith in get-rich contests 'Christmas in July' is a great and relatively overlooked example of how to do it well, make it entertaining while also relatable and tactful.
Can find hardly anything to fault actually. Maybe it is a little too short, would have been more than happy with having 10-15 minutes more perhaps. That can be easily ignorable though, as there is not a dull second to be had in 'Christmas in July', one of those films that drew me in from the start and never let go, and the many good things are so great.
Maybe other Sturges films are sharper (am actually going to include 'The Great McGinty' here), have more insights into the subjects explored and are more daring. Again a very subjective personal preference and not actually much of a knock on the film.
That it's so beautifully paced throughout and always compelling in its story, which entertained and invested emotionally, is one strength of 'Christmas in July', but there are many more. Sturges' direction continues to be remarkably well accomplished for again so early on (this is only his second film released quite close to 'The Great McGinty'). The production values are very good, very nicely shot in particular even if visually there aren't exactly iconic moments (not that it needed to be, not that kind of film).
A major strength of 'Christmas in July' is the script. The comedy is hilarious at its best and never gets corny. The pathos is genuinely touching without getting schmaltzy. And the romantic element is truly charming and with remarkable humanity. It's not always easy balancing more than two tones well and there have been many instances in films that do where one or more have not been handled well. 'Christmas in July' balances the comedy, pathos and romance deftly, no signs of them clashing with each other that it doesn't make sense, and all three as indicated are written spot-on. Then there are the performances, which are uniformly good. As likeable and charming Dick Powell and Ellen Drew are, and their chemistry is just lovely, it's the comedic performers who shine more with the main scene stealer being Raymond Walburn.
In summary, a joy. 9/10 Bethany Cox