This film follows a young girl growing up in a household where there has been some kind of "incident".
This film is quite slow and plays out in a very careful considered manner.
Now this is not particularly scary or thrilling in any superficial way but is very creepy on more intimate levels.
Like listening to a person who tells a story in a soft voice, you have to sit quietly and pay attention.
The story is very conservative with its plot elements - it would have been easy to make the dad an alcoholic or the sister an abusive drug pusher but not every story has to be based on a tragedy of epic human failings.
When supernatural things do happen (and they are relatively small things) they have a much heavier impact than most horror movies.
Some of the scenes are very claustrophobic and lull you in to a false sense of security before suddenly, but subtly, revealing that things can turn quickly. I had shivers down my spine on a few occasions.
Other reviewers have said this is boring and slow and not worth your time and I do get that but, rather than a big heaping trifle with sparklers sticking out of it, this movie is more like a plate of cheese and biscuits - but a very tasty one.
The cast is great (especially Kiera and Sienna) the production doesn't try too hard making this an easy watch.
I enjoyed this a lot and considering its cost I think everyone involved has made something to be proud of.