Fran Brill
- Reparto
- Equipos adicionales
- Banda sonora
Fran Brill nació el 30 de septiembre de 1946 en Pennsylvania, EE.UU.. Es una actriz, conocida por Barrio Sésamo (1969), ¿Qué pasa con Bob? (1991) y Huida a medianoche (1988). Está casada con Robert Kelly desde el 17 de junio de 1988. Ha estado casada con Clinton Edward Ramsden Jr.
Serie de TV
- Zoe
- Prairie Dawn
- Muppet
- Little Bird
- Betty Lou
- Polly Darton
- Nora Nicks
- Arlene Frantic
- Roxie Marie
- Lavender J Friend
- Det. Olivia Benson
- Green Cheerleader
- Jungle Girl
- Woman
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Mary
- Additional Muppet Performer
- Alice
- Big Grad Wolf
- Billy Monster
- Bird
- Carol the Baker
- Girl
- Head Villager
- Henry
- Mother 'Listen to the Bells'
- Mrs. Crustworthy
- Rita Rucci
- Wanda Cousteau
- Anything Muppets
- Billy
- Bug
- Chicken
- Coat Shopper
- Cuckoo Bird
- Lavender AM Girl
- Lifeguard
- Mouse
- Numberella
- Plumber
- Reporter
- Snow Grouch
- Vocalist
- 'Let's Go Driving in a Car' daughter
- AM Girl in the 6 Cookies Subtraction song
- Additional Muppets
- Additional Performers
- Anne Phibian
- Baby Monster
- Big Sister Monster (speaking)
- Bird #1
- Cafeteria Member
- Caroline
- Casey the Rabbit
- Cereal
- Cheerleader
- Cloud
- Countess
- Cuckoo
- Customer
- Daughter (Princess)
- Deborah Starr
- Debra Starr
- Fairy Godmother
- Fairy Nap-Mother
- Fat Blue Miner
- Flight Attendant
- Flower 2
- Frannie
- Grandmother
- Granny Sheep
- Green Anything Muppet
- Green Girl
- Green Hippie (Little Jerry)
- Grouch
- Hat Vendor
- Helena
- Hot Pink Girl ('Alphabet Conversation')
- Hot Pink Subject
- I. C. DeForrest
- Imogene
- Jezebel
- June Moon
- King's Daughter
- Lavender 'J Friends' Singer
- Lavender Girl
- Lavender Woman
- Lead Villager
- Linda
- Little Monster
- Mae
- Martha Sewer
- Miner
- Miriam Cheswick
- Miss Vicki
- Monotone
- Monotones Vocalist
- Mother
- Mrs. Rosen
- Mrs. Siegel
- Nick Normal
- Norah Nicks
- Nurse
- Omagrossa
- Oscar the Grouch
- Penguin
- Picknicker
- Pig
- Pipe Organ
- Plate
- Polly Watson
- Postal Worker
- Princess Cutie
- Princess Geraldine
- Queen Quinella
- Quinn Fabray Muppet
- Roxie Marie Callahan
- Rubber Balls
- SMV Video Jockey
- Sandy
- Short and Tall Singer
- Small Bird
- Summer Squall
- Sylvia Little, Betty Lou
- The Bird Grandmoter
- The Bird Mother
- The Countess
- The Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe
- Toucan
- Transylvanian Woman
- Twyla Sue
- Ursula
- Vertigo
- Vivian