There are some genuinely fun moments at the beginning when the protagonist starts elaborating about his crazy idea of how vulnerable American cities are and how just no one will listen to him (hmm, I wonder what motivated this movie to be made). Sadly that's basically the high point as the film mostly just meanders along while we follow these characters around. There are a few sleazy hi-jinks and some bizarro dialog to accompany them but as a whole this is extremely slow. I'm not even sure who I'd suggest watch it as it has so few redeeming qualities to it. Some of the plotting scenes are fun but the filmmakers didn't have enough of skill with storytelling (or perhaps they just didn't want to inspire copycats?) to make an engrossing procedural drama. Instead we get a clunky character drama that doesn't feature enough scenery chewing or psychotronic energy to function as an entertaining piece of cinema. I hesitate to even suggest it to red scare propaganda fanatics as it is so bloated with filler and I'm more inclined to just give a blanket suggestion to avoid and not watch.