We've probably all seen numerous films and documentaries on the 1960's and the Beatles. However, I thought this documentary, directed by Ryan White, offered a unique behind the scenes look focusing on Freda Kelly, the Beatles long time secretary and Fan Club President.
At just 17 years of age, Freda was plucked out of an office typing pool by Brian Epstein (the Beatles manager), to become his and the band's secretary. Freda was already known to them, being a loyal fan and attending most of the Beatles performances in The Cavern, the local Liverpool club.
Even at that young age, Freda was demonstrating her remarkable personal characteristics of attention to detail, loyalty, and integrity, while strictly maintaining the band member's privacy. Since she was a fan herself, Freda would go to great lengths to try and satisfy the requests of Beatles' fans around the world. Of course, those were the days before social media, cellphones etc., so most requests and replies were done by mail.
During Freda's 11 year tenure as the Beatles' secretary, she really became a member of the family and was a coveted member of their inner circle, till the group members decided to finally go their own way.
The film is filled with wonderful film clips and photos, especially of the very early Beatles days, which I found rather fascinating, being a Beatles fan myself.
Overall, the documentary is very well presented with the unassuming Freda leading us along the way. I thought the movie gave me a real unique and intimate glimpse into the personalities and world of the Beatles, and those around them.