Let me start by saying that I really, really liked, Cabin Fever. Nice in the woods movie, with a interesting disease, OK plot, OK movie! Then I saw CF2: Spring Fever, and I knew, it all went down the drain. Perfect example of what happens when the apple falls too far from the tree. Needless to say, I had kinda no expectations from part 3, thinking they will rely on gore even more, and won't see anything but guts and blood.
Was I wrong? Sort of. Sure, you do see more blood than on the first, but this one, actually has a back bone. It has a story behind it, has characters, will intrigue just a little, and amuse you a few times. Aw, and it has one of the greatest chick fights I've ever seen. So, there are some reasons to watch it, especially that it jumps from "Spring Fever" and acts more like a sequel to the first part.
Just don't expect a masterpiece, but an OK horror movie, that can stand as a movie all by itself, you don't have to watch the other parts to understand it. I gave it a 4. 4 is a good enough grade for this one.
Will I recommend it? Only if you are a fan of the first too, well, the original at least. Cheers!