Everyone has played cops and robbers at some point. This is the most basic of imagination games a child could play not matter what part of the world or even time period they came from. It about the thrill of chasing the bad guy or being the bad guy and trying to evade the good guys. You could stage a robbery or stop a kidnapping, but this is something I could easily believe every one has done. But like most growing people, these games end as adults decide to start playing with something that truly interests them and make a career out of it.
But sometimes the cops and robbers game is fun enough that the adult wants this to become their life. They'll ask for information on what the next step is to becoming a real life officer. Either they'll be scared away from the complicated paperwork and academy, denied because of something they have or done, or they possess the will to go through with it and make it a career. But you occasionally hear about those bad apples that think its funny to impersonate an officer. Like the characters in Let's Be Cops, their most likely stupid and don't think about the consequences on the people they fool.
Justin (played by Damon Wayans, Jr.) and Ryan (played by Jake Johnson) are two best friends that have lived in Los Angeles hoping that their lives here would be better then in Ohio. This is not the case as Justin is a video game designer whose more of an assistant then a creative mind and Ryan is a bum friend whose football days are long behind him and living off of a commercial payday that has kept him stable. They head out to a college reunion as cops thinking it's a costume party. Not only is it a masquerade party instead, but they have a hard time fitting in with their more successful classmates.
Just as they decide they might go back to Ohio, they discover something on the city streets; people are giving them double takes, the tallest of men start to slouch and the hottest of women give them smiles. The two quickly realize that people think that their cops. Ryan wants to play around with this more, now getting the respect that he's wanted after college, though Justin is more of a weak coward whose more concerned with going to prison. The two eventually get good enough to deceive the L.A.P.D. and start doing detective work for a Russian mafia.
Every summer there's a movie that I'm gonna find is a surprise that I didn't expect; Let's Be Cops is the surprise. It was a movie I remember laughing at even though a lot of the gags were stupid, reminding me of something like Surf Ninjas. But
I kind of like Surf Ninjas. So why am I forgiving here and not of something like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that was full of dumb jokes?
First of all, the jokes feel like timeless jokes, as to say that they didn't rely on modern day or pop culture things that could be dated in a few years. Second, the characters are likable. Both Justin and Ryan feel like those recent college buddies that still need to find better interests, but they put so much passion in what their doing that you really want to see where they go with this. Third, I feel like that the movie is in on the whole joke of cop clichès and that most of the jokes, especially the jokes that aren't funny, are intentional.
I'll give this seven fake police badges out of ten. Let's Be Cops is that comedy that will become a hit on television through repeated viewings at midnight with teenagers and college students. I can't say it's for everyone, but this is something you need to turn off your logical brain to enjoy.