I've been debating on whether to give this movie a seven or an eight. As far as thrillers go, this is a solid eight. When it comes to movies, in general, I'd give it a seven. Sci-fi exists, after all.
Sci-fi is my favorite genre, and this isn't sci-fi.
For some reason, people keep trying to call this a "B" movie. It isn't. I wouldn't even call it a low-budget movie. It's a movie that doesn't require a big budget. Nothing feels cheap, and it doesn't seem as if the producers were cutting corners to make it. So, I don't understand this criticism.
The movie's strength is, certainly, the story --which is exactly what should drive any good movie. It's an interesting story, with competent actors, writers, cinematography, etc.
I've read some of the other reviews, and some have called it "slow". It isn't. If a person thinks this movie is slow, I'd call that person an impatient viewer. The pace is perfect. It takes the time to make the characters relatable, and to establish an atmosphere that feels authentic. This isn't wasted time. It's just good writing.
Also, as others have pointed out, there doesn't seem to be a lot of buzz, surrounding this movie. My guess is that it just slipped under the radar. I can, definitely, imagine it being one of those movies that people would talk about. However, the lack of attention, works well, for the movie, since, you really do want to watch it without knowing anything about it. The unfolding of the story, provides all of the fun.
If you're into well-written thrillers, and are a patient viewer, then there's no real reason why you wouldn't enjoy this movie.
My greatest suggestion is to watch it, before reading any more reviews. Like I've said, the less you know, the better. The more reviews that you read, the more likely it is that you'll run into spoilers; whether they be small, or otherwise.