Last week i took the girlfriend to see '300', this week it was her turn to pick the film... her choice... Mr Beans Holiday. I wasn't too impressed with this but fair is fair! I couldn't remember much of the first film but wasn't expecting to be blown away or enjoy it to be frank! However i was pleasantly surprised and am not ashamed to admit i enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, this is no classic but it is a enjoyable film. The first thing i liked was the fact it wasn't set in America, so i didn't have to listen to a number of Americans try to explain who this Mr Bean character was! I didn't laugh out loud, but I did chuckle along at the jokes and enjoyed some of the darker aspects such as the mobile phone gags! When i saw Karel Roden pop up early on in the film i chuckled to myself as he filmed the camcorder... thinking back to the film '15 minutes' (if you've seen it you'll understand what i mean) This helped me loosen up and allowed me to enjoy the film. Also loved the whole Carson Clay in love with himself film moment near the end.
I loved Black Adder, but was only a Mr Bean fan when i was very young, as an adult i have to say i'd grown out of it! This however made me reminisce and remember how good a comedian Rowan Atkinson is! The director also deserves credit too, as he keeps this story nicely edited through-out and lets the adventure unfold at a nice pace. Mr Beans love interest also deserves credit for being very easy on the eye! I won't go on about this film much, but basically don't just cross it off as something you'll hate. This is a loving, nice, and light-hearted affair, though strange in places it fits itself as a film that is good enough to sit through and enjoy. So if it's a rainy day sit back, relax and watch! A basic film comedy for all the family!