This movie should be shown in ALL schools as part of the required curriculum. It's not a fancy, flashy, big budget production. It's a modest movie that tells a great story. A very important one. And it does a mighty fine job at doing that too. Sure, we all know those times existed not that long ago in our history but most people don't know what it was REALLY like... what those women went through, how difficult it was, how expensive, etc. This movie felt like it told the story the right way. With a lot of compassion. It's not here to make a ton of money, it's just here to enlighten and spread a message. The acting from Banks and Weaver is the usual/expected top notch, no surprises there, with Banks sometimes telling an entire story with just a slight shift on her face. This is not a fast action packed movie and I see that a lot of people complained about that which I don't understand. It felt like it had plenty of intensity in it for me and it kept me watching from beginning to end. There was always something interesting and new happening. Sure, there were a couple of plot holes (abortion advertisements at a bus stop in the 50's??) but they needed to get the story across so I get it.
Overall this was an excellent movie. Please enjoy it responsibly!