This is an odd little film, but I did enjoy it. For starters, it's only 71 minutes long, essentially the length of a typical streaming weekly drama offering. Additionally, it's shot (very nicely) in black and white, features a total cast of just seven actors (including a handful of very recognizable faces), and takes place wholly in one house using only about four shooting locations there.
This black comedy revolves around a joyful government promotion announcement and the unusual cast of characters that arrive at a small private gathering to celebrate. Conflicts abound and the very smart dialogue runs from politics to pregnancy to life coaching, much of it snarky, droll, and dripping with sarcasm (not all these people like each other; we soon learn why).
It was a quick and entertaining film. Had it gone much longer, it might have become tedious, but it didn't get there. If you're a fan of smart adult banter and personal interaction and intrigue, you'll probably like this. The great cast helps.