Ive seen a few clown movies latele, from the best performances in the batman movies, to the lowest issued here in the film bad man, a clown with utterly madning needs and cravings set into a mad mans system, trying to make a living doll out of a woman and a dog out of a man,via chemotherapeutic injections of different kinds, and peaking the curve when the he-dog get an injection of viagra, so imagine a dogman on steroids well its a footish gallore of gutwrenching sickness.
the movies first 10 minutes are of a nice soothing kind, and it is in fact a very romantic prelude of extremely well built interaction between two people who really in love. but when they open the door to hell by letting in a stranger all hell breaks loose.its not a bloody and messy gallore of a horror flick, more a sado-masochistic freakshow, with a lot of psychpathia and sadism evolving the two lovers. if this is your fetish,and if you get wet and hard viewing this madness, then please take contact with your local medical practitioner, because you really need help to rebuild your senses and ill stricken mind. if youre barely normal, dont watch this lame and kindergarten hans ont gretchen medical compound scientific exploratory weirdo business.
why did i,the grumpy old man watch this sickening ning ning,charade, well mostly due to the rviews,and i now know whos false and whos real, and whos the sick one.and i regret wholeheartedly that i gave 80 minutes of my precious life to this illstricken directed s/m romp.