As a student of The Kennedy administration and old enough to remember, this sequel was disgraceful! I agree with the other reviews. The script is borderline comical and insulting to the viewer. The original series was far superior, not perfect by any means but considerably better.
Matthew Perry was the producer which explains quite a bit, he was difficult to watch as Ted Kennedy as was the character who portrayed Ethel. If I had to hear one more "Kiddo" reference to Jackie, it would induce vomiting. Additionally, where was Caroline? She may have had some input, one can speculate, because she was simply not written into the script.
Katie Holmes does a decent job in her role as Jackie but each time I had hoped for something...anything to resurrect this from near death, it was too late. The other objection I had as how they condensed part 2 of this series. Not much attention was paid to John Jr either. It seems as though his big line was, "My father is dead".
Good lord, this was so bad. It really left so much to be desired and should never have been produced at all.