I don't think that this concept is something that will ever translate well from comic books to television or movies. The Richie Rich comics were funny because they described wealth so outlandish, that when Mom went to the East Wing of the mansion, she traveled by plane. Money gushing out of oil wells and vaults so big they were measured in acres. Stuff like that.
Of course, that stuff does not translate to the real world very easily. Richie Rich may be a good comic for kids fascinated by money, since it teaches that friendship and family is far more important than money. But trying to translate that into a real-world TV show by papering the walls of Richie's bedroom with foreign banknotes just seems silly.
The concept COULD work if it were "dialed down" a bit... Like a show about a kid in an extremely wealthy family who just wants to play with other kids and is a good person, but who has to contend with things like the security guards that follow him everywhere for his protection. Or who asks his Dad for lunch money on his way out the door and his Dad hands him a $100 bill because it is the smallest bill he has. Little jokes like that would at least be believable.
But this series is completely over the top. I know that most movies and TV shows require a suspension of disbelief, but this one requires a suspension of your entire brain.