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- Manco Kapak, owner of a club, is robbed and faces threats from cartels. His dream of selling the club and retiring with his girlfriend is jeopardized. A newcomer pretends to be interested in buying the club, adding further complications.
- Brian has just been fired from his job. He becomes a stay-at-home dad. He accepts a playdate invitation from another stay-at-home dad who turns out to be a loose cannon.
- A high-end courier has 3 hours to transport a liver from LAX to Santa Barbara.
- Matt's fiance leaves him at the altar. Heartbroken, he goes on their planned Italian honeymoon alone. There he rediscovers his zest for life, food, and meets Gia who helps him find love again.
- A corporate spy poses as a chef to infiltrate a villa and steal a neuroprosthetics invention. Mind games ensue as nothing is as it seems, and the spy unravels the truth about the seismic-shifting new technology.