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- Dans The Beekeeper, la campagne de vengeance brutale d'un homme prend une dimension nationale après qu'il s'est avéré être un ancien agent d'une organisation puissante et clandestine connue sous le nom de "Beekeepers".
- Un père s'inquiète lorsqu'un gangster local devient ami avec son fils dans le Bronx des années 1960.
- Deux adolescentes partagent un lien unique : leurs parents, s'inquiétant de leur amitié trop intense, les séparent et les filles se vengent.
- Ce drame criminel se déroule à Hong Kong et suit la vie d'un tueur à gages qui espère se retirer du métier, et celle de son insaisissable partenaire féminine.
- Oilman Jan se retrouve paralysé après un accident. Sa femme, qui priait pour qu'il rentre, se sent coupable. Encore plus, lorsque Jan lui demande d'avoir des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes.
- Un trafiquant de drogue devient de plus en plus désespéré après qu'un accord raté le laisse avec une dette importante envers un baron de la drogue impitoyable.
- En fuite après avoir assassiné un homme, le comptable William Blake rencontre un étrange Amérindien appelé Personne qui le prépare à son voyage dans le monde spirituel.
- Afin de redorer son blason, un chauffeur de taxi branché doit servir de chauffeur à un inspecteur de police sur le retour et aux trousses de braqueurs de banque allemands.
- De son enfance à l'âge adulte, le quatorzième Dalaï-lama tibétain est confronté à l'oppression chinoise et à d'autres problèmes.
- Jamie est un adolescent timide et harcelé à l'école. Son voisin est battu par son père et par son frère. Leurs malheurs les rapprochent, et ils découvrent bientôt que ce qu'ils ressentent l'un pour l'autre est plus fort que l'amitié.
- A woman with a body-writing fetish seeks to find a combined lover and calligrapher.
- Deux histoires pour le prix d'une? Lenny travaille dans un vidéo-club et tente de faire la connaissance de Léa, la serveuse. Léo bat sa femme enceinte, Louise, ce qui est une TRÈS mauvaise idée, étant donné que le frère de cette dernière, Louis, est un raciste violent.
- Fraîchement embauchée pour une riche famille à la campagne, une femme de chambre se lie d'amitié avec un employé de la Poste qui l'encourage à se rebeller contre ses employeurs.
- Julian and Jeremy, two brothers prefer to spend their time on drugs and joyriding. When their father, Fatty Lewis, they show up demanding compensation.
- Après avoir été autorisé à quitter un établissement psychiatrique, un homme tente de se racheter aux yeux de son ex-femme pour les événements qui ont conduit à son incarcération.
- This film is based on a true story about a British teenager who allegedly poisoned family, friends, and co-workers. Graham is highly intelligent, but completely amoral. He becomes interested in science, especially chemistry, and begins to read avidly. Something of a social misfit, he is fascinated by morbid subjects such as poisons and murder. His family environment is intolerable to him and, in particular, his stepmother torments him. He decides to poison those who annoy him, first with antimony and later with thallium. He smugly thinks himself cleverer than all those around him, but nevertheless he is caught and sentenced to 'rehabilitation' at a psychiatric institution. Once there, he undertakes to deceive the new eminent psychiatrist sent there to 'cure' him, thereby securing his release.
- The fates of four different people - a thief, a cop, a female professor of philosophy, a suicidal girl - unexpectedly collide.
- A group of friends in New York, working away at their PCs and laptops, keep in touch exclusively by phone and fax; all are too busy to meet face-to-face. By phone, Gale plays matchmaker for Jerry and Barbara who hit it off beautifully--via phone and fax. Martin gets a telephone call from somebody he has never met: it's Denise, and she has extraordinary news. Tapping away at his computer, he develops a sort of telephonic friendship with Denise. And so it goes as the friends tap, tap, tap away, sharing news, hopes, and dreams--via phone and fax. Finally Gale has an unfortunate encounter with a phone, Denise has more news for Martin, and Frank plans a gala New Year's Eve party--but will he answer the door?
- Not far from Shanghai, in a country town stands the palatial home of the Pang family. Old Master Pang is an addict who brings up his beautiful daughter Ruyi on opium smoke. Her older brother, Zhengda, is addicted as well, and then paralysed and effectively brain-dead. Zhongliang, Zhengda's brother-in-law, is a successful gigolo in Shanghai who seduces older married women and then blackmails them. When Older Master Pang dies, the clan elders make Ruyi take over the role as the head of the household. Zhongliang returns to the Pang family on the death of Old Master Pang, re-encounters Ruyi, and they are secretly attracted to each other. Wanting to seem sophisticated, she succumbs to Zhongliang's attempts to seduce her. But then an emotional maelstrom follows - for the angry, jealous and sexually frustrated sister (Zhengda's wife) is also part of the picture.
- Few knew that Stalin spent his last night in the arms of a young Australian woman. Few still knew that their "love-child" brought Australia to the brink of civil war. Until now.
- L'histoire de familles vivant dans des baraquements, laissés par l'armée américaine à Reykjavik à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
- Three adventurers leave Moon City and head towards the asteroids in search of gold.
- When novelist Alessandro Battavia commits suicide, taxi driver Evangile and her brother Nord believe that they are characters imagined in a novel, probably one written by God. Because they see their lives as "merde," they go in search of God to get their story rewritten. Along the way--believing that everything is imaginary anyway--they shoot people, rob pharmacies, and tie up the residents of places where they squat. They also gather a taxi full of eccentrics, including a priest, Battavia's suicidal widow, and a policewoman; various couples pair off. Soon life imitates art: the events and ellipses seem lifted from modern fiction as the group's quest for God continues. What's real?
- Deleted scenes from 'Good Will Hunting'.
- Ninni is sixteen and she lives in a beautiful mansion in the swedish countryside with her family. Her parents, both unemployed actors, risk to lose their property owing to the unpaid mortgage so they decide to organize a bank robbery to resolve their money troubles. The new Colombian neightbour, the young and handsome Ramon, decides to help them, but he falls in love with Ninni.