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- I piani degli abitanti di Stoccolma Hanna e Samuel per un matrimonio intimo in campagna a Gotland vengono infranti da familiari e amici.
- Una famiglia apparentemente perfetta vede crollare il suo mondo quando uno scioccante omicidio dimostra che i suoi componenti sono disposti a tutto pur di proteggersi a vicenda.
- Durante il giorno della liberazione nel 1945 a Stoccolma, un estemporaneo bacio celebratorio tra due sconosciuti avrà serie conseguenze.
- The lives of two very different families in the posh neighborhood of Solsidan in Sweden.
- Un fanatico dell'allenamento di mezza età a Stoccolma si prepara per la gara di sci di 90 km Vasaloppet. Sua sorella è l'opposto, non lavora, beve ma ha una figlia. All'improvviso vengono svelati segreti e vengono fatte promesse.
- This is a survival thriller, based on true events. Three women with different connections to one man need to find a way to get out of the monsters grip. Will they be believed, or can he manipulate the surroundings once again.
- L'amore tra Anna e Hugo, un rapporto che purtroppo incontra resistenze.
- Un gruppo di giovani amici visita una stazione sciistica abbandonata nel nord della Svezia, dove strani rumori provenienti dal seminterrato sono solo l'inizio di una serie di eventi terrificanti.
- Galaxy hero Penny Starfighter will try to stop Dr. Deo's cruel revenge against humanity. To help them, they have a group of children led by 11-year-old Ester. Will it be enough, or will they need Kenny Starfighter's help?
- When a student at the famous boarding school Tuna Kvarn is found dead, investigators are met with a wall of silence.
- Follows the Swedish serial killer and bank robber John Ausonius, nicknamed "the laser man".
- In this movie adaptation of the TV-Show by the same name, we join the three couples in a comedy about divorces, love, child longing, weird parents and unwritten bathing rules in Torekov.
- Amanda, 31, esplora le complessità degli appuntamenti moderni attraverso app e bar, incontrando uomini diversi.
- Ten top Swedish comedians compete in a six-part series, trying to make each other laugh while keeping a straight face themselves. Eva Röse hosts this local version of the international hit comedy show LOL: Last One Laughing.
- 'Finaste Familjen' (My Perfect Family) is a series about our time. The importance of showing the world how happy you feel and how successful you are. About the never ending battle to stay young. And about pretending that pieces of your life's puzzle aren't missing.
- Martin Holst is the dynamic CEO of the pharmaceutical manufacturer Holst Medicals. When his son Jonas is kidnapped and turned into an innocent pawn in a much greater game, Martin loses control not only over his family and the company, but over his whole life. Before long he is forced to reevaluate everything he used to take for granted.
- The story revolve around five couples of different generations. Their lives are woven together by coincidences but sometimes through very deliberate choices where the common driving force is the search for love.
- Three men live in a house full of rules.
- The mother Morran (Johan Rheborg) and the son Tobias (Robert Gustafsson) live together in a broken house with a car wreckage in the garden. They are outsiders of society and try to solve every-day problems in unusual ways.
- Celebrities compete in physical and endurance challenges.
- Four people living together in an apartment can give rise to a lot of funny situations.
- Un gruppo di svedesi, va in una fabbrica abbandonata nel cuore della natura selvaggia, per un gioco di ruolo dal vivo per spingere i propri limiti fisici e mentali. Il gioco diventa serio quando risvegliano forze oscure in ognuno di essi.
- An artificial black hole crashes straight into an old mansion. The crash means that the year 2020 is connected with the year 1920. When Mira and Rakel stand in front of the hole, something strange happens.
- Ture Sventon and the Hunt for the Fountain of Youth takes place at the detective agency in Lingonboda, but during the journey, viewers are taken on a hunt that leads Ture and Matilda Jansson to the Amazon, Rome and Hawaii.
- Frida and her new best friend are smoking at the ravage barn. When they're on their way home they see the firefighters. Frida isn't sure if she slaked her cigarette.