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- Cake runs a business that supplies goalies to house hockey games.
- Secrets of the Forest is a nature-science series for kids that puts our Earth's precious forests in the spotlight.
- Flush is a fly-on-the-wall perspective of the subtle drama that unfolds within the walls of a public ladies room.
- The Szarka family is new to raising backyard chickens. They're basically like children with feathers. And clucking. And egg-laying. How hard can it be? This family is about to find out.
- Leo, the catfish, is leading the next round of kid eco-heroes, this time on a mission to save the bees, beetles, butterflies - any and all creatures that help plants grow by spreading pollen: The Pollinators.
- Sayat and Christian, along with their animated buddy Leo the catfish, explore what is going on under the waves and around the shorelines as they get up-close and personal with the creatures that live in, under and around the water.
- Angel, living in an alleyway, suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. She asks Dylan, 15, for change; he instead offers her a sandwich and some of his time. In a moment of clarity Angel shares a connecting moment with Dylan. But it passes, emotions run high, and suddenly Dylan has grown up.
- The Rawside of - is a documentary series that tells a story of artists and bands in the music industry. Following them on how they make it work in the music business and explores in depth a central theme surrounding them.
- A six-part, half-hour original documentary series that celebrates the stories of prominent Canadians both in front of and behind the camera.
- Discover what's going on along the shorelines and under the waves at Parks Canada.
- Being a super hero is about more than just strength. It is about courage, perseverance and risking defeat.
- Série de TV
- Born and raised in Toronto, Reggie Grey took to living on the road full time, always searching for an adventure. He gave all of that up, finally settling down in bucolic Shelburne, Nova Scotia. It turns out that he's found the adventure that he's been searching for all along...he needs to learn how to Maritime.
- Filmmaker, Reginald Grey, sold his house in favor of a trailer that he drags around North America. He searches out other iconoclasts and creates video portraits of them in their element so others might question their living situations.
- The Exceptional Life is a five-part documentary web series that teams Development Pediatrician Dr. Joelene Huber, a specialist in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and real-life "Nanny 911" Behaviour Therapist Sarah Davis. Together they'll work closely with parents raising children with Autism, focusing on key communication, social skills and behaviour issues.
- Leo is taking us behind the scenes with the team from Parks Canada to find out all the buzz on the amazing work they're doing to help our Pollinators.
- The boys are impressed with Cake when they learn that idol Tiger Williams has called Cake to book a goalie. However, Cake's life takes a turn for the worst when his one night stand returns.
- Cake is upset to learn that an old business rival has usurped his business name and tries to figure out a way to get it back.
- The truce between Cake and O'Malley threatens to fall apart even as a mysterious infection sweeps through the goalie ranks.
- A old flame from Cake's past arrives in town and Cake starts to display erratic behaviour soon after.
- Cake and Francesca get into a bitter dispute when Francesca recruits a new goalie to join the ranks.
- Cake and Francesca get into a bitter dispute when Francesca recruits a new goalie to join the ranks.