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- A young woman wrongly convicted of a bank robbery is sent to a prison run by a corrupt warden. She struggles to survive the harsh prison life, where violent bullying, sexual assault and drug addiction run rampant.
- Host Elvis Mitchell sits down with actor Richard Gere. They talk about two primary influences to the way the Gere acts: music and gymnastics. Gere talks about blues music in particular, and the natural rhythms in that style which he uses in the rhythms of his performances. He believes that all actors have an inherent musicality within them upon which to frame a performance. He also discusses what he believes are movies that have that blues rhythm in its pacing and storytelling. He equates rhythm with physical space and framing in movie making, with an actor going in and out of that frame set for him. He concludes with talking about what drew him to certain actors from the golden age of movies. With the women, it was who he considered the great beauties. With the men, it was the ability to be within the moment without looking like they were acting.