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- In un elegante bordello parigino all'alba del XX secolo, esiste un mondo di piacere, dolore, speranza, rivalità e, soprattutto, schiavitù.
- Bacurau, una piccola città del nord del Brasile, piange la perdita della sua matriarca Carmelita che visse fino a novantaquattro anni. Alcuni giorni dopo, i residenti notano che la loro comunità è scomparsa dalla maggior parte delle mappe.
- Tra la luce e l'oscurità si trova Olfa, una donna tunisina, madre di quattro figlie.
- Una storia d'amore tra un uomo e una donna. E tra una madre e suo figlio. Un'odissea mistica e fantastica sull'amore.
- Tamar, a beautiful young woman, lives alone with her two daughters. She can't restrain her sexual appetite and gives herself to several men of the village.
- Ambientato in una comunità conservatrice del Delta del Danubio, il viaggio alla scoperta di sé di un adolescente gay si scontra con i valori tradizionali sostenuti dai suoi genitori e dai suoi vicini.
- In the 16th century in the Cévennes, a horse dealer by the name of Michael Kohlhaas leads a happy family life. When a lord treats him unjustly, he raises an army and puts the country to fire and sword in order to have his rights restored.
- Tre generazioni alle prese con un''esperienza che cambia la vita durante un giorno di vacanza a Sintra, in Portogallo.
- Una donna con un bambino adottato viene contattata inaspettatamente dalla madre naturale del bambino.
- Anna a young teenager comes home from her Catholic boarding school for the holidays and discovers her father has left. Her mother is devastated and confined in the company of the local priest, who is also a childhood friend. Anna clings to her beloved grandfather. She also grows close to Pierre, a free-spirited teenager who cares little about God. Anna is preparing for her confirmation, but her budding desire for Pierre shakes her faith. She longs to give herself over, body and soul... but doesn't know if it is to God, or something else?
- When a rebellious teenager finds out that she is already eight weeks pregnant, she forms a pact with sixteen of her classmates to get pregnant simultaneously, raise their children together, and most of all, be in charge of their lives.
- Tre attrici in diversi momenti della loro carriera. Una di prima della Rivoluzione Islamica del 1979, una star di oggi conosciuta in tutta la nazione e una ragazza che desidera ardentemente frequentare il conservatorio di arte drammatica.
- Un sindacalista in pensione e sua moglie vengono rapinati, ma scoprono che consegnare alla giustizia i rapinatori non è abbastanza per le loro coscienze.
- Il famigerato piromane galiziano Amador è appena tornato a casa dalla vecchia madre dopo essere stato imprigionato. Ma il villaggio non ha dimenticato e presto sarà un nuovo incendio.
- Nell'Argentina prima del colpo di Stato, un avvocato di successo inizia a sentirsi alle corde quando un segreto del suo passato emerge nel presente.
- Through his work at a morgue, an incarcerated young man trying to build a new life starts to come to terms with the crime he committed.
- Due ex detenute lesbiche, Victoria e Florence, stanno cercando di farsi una nuova vita nei boschi del Quebec. Ma la coppia viene assediata dall'ufficio di libertà vigilata di Vic e da una strana donna del passato di Flo.
- Liliane, a provincial nurse in her peaceful fifties, must cope with the accidental death of her son in China. She decides to fly there in order to repatriate the body. This mourning journey will soon turn out to be a trip of discovery of her son whom she didn't see for years and a trip to make a fresh start through the insight of a new culture.
- Una guardia carceraria è attratta da una donna durante le sue lezioni settimanali di tango. Si incontrano di nuovo quando lei visita il marito nella prigione in cui la guardia lavora, così lui viene coinvolto nella complicata vita sentimentale della donna. Nel frattempo, i detenuti imparano il tango.
- Moved by the plight of the mother of her daughter's school friend, a young judge facing an incurable disease teams up with an older colleague in order to fight against financial companies that exploit the poor.
- On his clandestine journey from Cameroon to Europe through the Sahara desert, Léonard meets Hope, a Nigerian girl who's following the same dream.
- As a new conflict opposes Israel and Lebanon, Hajar, a young Palestinian student, returns to her native village in Galilee on the occasion of a wedding in the family. Just before the ceremony, she goes to see her father, patriarch Abu Majd, who has always encouraged her to learn and to discover the world. It is with confidence that she tells him about the man she loves, Matthew, an English art teacher at the university of Haifa. His negative reaction upsets her...
- In Portugal, a father, a mother and a daughter's daily lives are being subsumed by the effects of the economic crisis.
- R U THERE is the story of Jitze (20), a professional gamer who travels around the world to compete in video game tournaments. During a stay in Taipei he unexpectedly witnesses an accident, which confronts him with his own mortality and makes him doubt the certainties of his existence. When he meets a Taiwanese betelnut girl he is attracted to, he only manages to get close to her in Second Life, which serves to compound his doubts.
- On 11th January 2008, hired by the City of Cleveland, lawyer Josh Cohen and his team filed a lawsuit against 21 banks, which they held accountable for the wave of foreclosures that had left their city in ruins. Since then, the bankers on Wall Street have been fighting by with all available means to avoid going to court. This film is the story of that trial. A film about a trial that may never be held but in which the facts, the participants and their testimonies are all real: the judge, lawyers, witnesses, even the members of the jury - asked to give their verdict - play their own roles. Step by step, one witness after another, the film takes apart, from a plain, human perspective, the mechanisms of subprime mortgage loans, a system that sent the world economy reeling. A trial for the sake of example, a universal fable about capitalism.