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- Segui Richard Sharpe, un immaginario soldato britannico nelle guerre napoleoniche mentre combatte sia le forze di Napoleone che il forte pregiudizio dell'aristocrazia britannica.
- Cinque coppie interconnesse che provano le emozioni e le sorprese dell'avere un bambino e si rendono conto che, indipendentemente da ciò che si progetta, la vita non sempre offre ciò che ci si aspetta.
- The life of a children's book author is turned upside down when his daughter goes missing.
- Follows Noah, who really loves his girlfriend, his daughter, and his car, but after accepting a driving job he gets into a race that will result in either losing his life, his family or his beloved car.
- Un ragazzo adotta inconsapevolmente un cane vampiro parlante di 600 anni e scopre presto che quando affrontano le loro paure possono fare qualsiasi cosa.
- Alex decides to end his kid brother's nightmares by forming a task force to take care of imaginary monsters. When their business becomes a hit, nothing can go wrong...until one of the monsters turns out to be real, and really big.
- A street-wise American con man teams with a young Chinese physicist as they race against the clock to save the earth from a terrifying loss of gravity.
- 'Cargo' brings the raw story of three brothers who own a family business in the fishery and are trying to save it from destruction. The passion for their profession but also for their loved ones, however, drives them to desperate actions.