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- Uma mulher solitária faz amizade com ums adolescentes e decide deixá-los festejar em sua casa. Apenas quando as crianças pensam que a sua sorte não poderia ficar melhor, começam a acontecer coisas que as fazem questionar a intenção do seu anfitrião.
- Conta a história de uma mulher que reconstrói sua identidade na década de 1960, depois de ser rejeitada pelo marido e por todo o seu círculo social.
- Um olhar sobre o romance entre os famosos músicos country George Jones e Tammy Wynette.
- Uma mulher apanha o marido na cama com outra mulher, causando-lhe a morte de um ataque cardíaco. Ela enterra o seu corpo e aproveita o crescente estatuto de celebridade que advém do facto de ter um marido desaparecido.
- Relata a ascensão de James Brown da extrema pobreza para se tornar um dos músicos mais influentes da história.
- Os herdeiros de um rico empresário sulista traçam um plano para obter uma parte da sua fortuna.
- Plot unknown.
- With no choice but to accept Eugene's illegitimate children, Margaret finds a way to capitalize on this surprise revelation. Meanwhile, Margaret puts Eric in charge of the charitable arm of the company.
- After Ginger's live baptism causes an uproar among fans, Margaret invites her to appear on "Wings of a Dove"; Jason's lies start to catch up with him; Ginger asks for Margaret's help with a stalker.
- Ginger tries to use the tape of her kidnapping to bring down the men on 18:22; Margaret searches for a new factory for her perfume line; Eric receives a mysterious gift.
- On the night of Antonio's big fight, tensions run high in the Monreaux family; when Rose runs into her ex-fiance, old wounds from the past are reopened; Becky contemplates her relationship with Eric.
- After Margaret gives all the children an ultimatum, Ginger decides to help Rose put on a fashion show to unveil her new collection; Jason's bonding with Veronica leads to an unexpected revelation about his brother.
- Rose offers the Monreaux home as a safe haven for Ginger and her mother; Tina reveals to Ginger that she knows who the mysterious stalker is; Reverend Paul threatens Margaret, leading her to turn to unlikely allies for help.
- Margaret's confidante, Franklin, uses Mardi Gras to honor his mother's memory; Reverend Paul and Eric, to Margaret's dismay, appear in a political commercial for the local governor; Ginger is put in a dangerous situation.
- The entire Monreaux family must use every resource at their disposal in the search for Antonio's son; Jason finally comes clean about his deceptions; Margaret makes a huge discovery about the plane crash and her family's history.
- In the shocking series finale, the Monreaux family finds out an explosive secret that threatens to tear them apart. Meanwhile, with Mark and Rose ready to take a serious next step in their relationship, Margaret feels compelled to intervene and protect Rose.
- The unknown heirs of a wealthy Southern businessman hatch a plan to get a piece of his fortune.