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- Während einer Lesereise in Japan beginnt Sidonie Perceval, die immer noch vom Geist ihres verstorbenen Mannes heimgesucht wird, eine Affäre mit ihrem geheimnisvollen japanischen Verleger.
- Für das kurdische Flüchtlingsmädchen in Japan scheint sich das Leben zu bessern: Ihre Schulnoten reichen aus, um aufs College zu gehen, sie ist von guten Freunden umgeben und ihre Beziehung zu Sota entwickelt sich zu etwas Besonderem.
- Als der Assistent eines Daguerreotypie-Fotograf sich in dessen Tochter verliebt, spiegelt die Beziehung die Kunstform während Liebe und Leid zusammenwirken.
- Jean, a veteran actor trapped by his past, is installed in secret in an abandoned mansion in the South of France where Juliette, the great love of his life, used to lived long time ago. A group of children discover the same house, the perfect location to shoot a horror movie. Jean and the kids will finally meet face to face and become very close friends.
- Eleven major filmmakers from Europe, Asia and America talk about Akira Kurosawa and explore some ways on which he influenced their own work.
- Yann (35 year-old) has difficulty in finding the tie matched with the funeral suit of Alain, his father. While waiting for placing father's body in a coffin, Yann is sunk in his memories. Since the childhood, he communicated with this divorced father through graffiti drawn on the wall of the lounge. The son takes up posthumous relation with this not understood father. He resigns to repaint this fresco before the restoration of the apartment and reads again a page of his history before turning it.