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मिनटों में
1-800 में से 50
- 1890 के दशक में, विलियम मर्डोक शहर की कुछ सबसे भीषण हत्याओं को सुलझाने के लिए उस समय के लिए कट्टरपंथी फोरेंसिक तकनीकों का उपयोग करता है.
- This 10-episode, one-hour drama follows a group of flawed family members who reluctantly work together at their father's law firm in downtown Vancouver.
- पंद्रहवीं शताब्दी में, पोप अलेक्जेंडर द सिक्स्थ, हत्या, साज़िश, युद्ध और शादी के गठजोड़ के माध्यम से और अपने कई बेटों की मदद से इटली पर नियंत्रित पाने की कोशिश करता है.
- एविएशन इन्वेस्टिगेटर केंड्रा मैली को फ़्लाइट 716 के लापता होने की जांच करने के लिए बुलाया जाता है, जो अटलांटिक महासागर में गायब हो गई है.
- A disgraced former military doctor embarks as a surgeon aboard a whaler bound for the Arctic, where his quest for redemption becomes a fight for survival.
- फ्लाइटलेस गुस्सैल पक्षी और चीखने वाले हरे पीग अपने आपस के झगड़े को और ऊंचे स्तर पर ले जाते है.
- The series follows Frankie Drake, a female private detective operating in Toronto in the 1920s.
- The series follows five young nurses working on the front lines of St. Mary's Hospital dedicating their lives to helping others, while figuring out how to help themselves.
- An aspiring jewelry designer returns to Belgium to visit her grandfather and hopefully win the Valentines Day Diamond Contest.
- एक जुनूनी खगोलशास्त्री और एक जिज्ञासु कलाकार एक अप्रत्याशित बंधन बनाते हैं।
- लिसा, जिसके कृषक परिवार को फौजदारी का सामना करना पड़ा है, को एक नए, शहरी खेत में काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है, जहां वह दलिया से मिलती है. उसका आकस्मिक नस्लवाद उसे निकाल दिया जाता है, महिलाओं को एक भावुक संबंध में खींचा जाता है.
- A teenager discovers the girl hired to look after his little sister is a vampire.
- Mason is an expert on queer relationships and a matchmaker with a booming success rate. When it comes to love, he knows all...except why his own relationship is on the rocks.
- Claire is an MI5 agent who becomes the royal nanny, having to overcome challenges on her mission as she keeps the family safe for Christmas and resists Prince Colin's charms.
- Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and his team arrive in Three Pines to solve the unusual murder of a much-loved woman and find dark secrets shadowing this usually peaceful village.
- विभिन्न पहचानों के बीच भटकने वाले लिंग-तरल मिलेनियल का अनुसरण करता है और अब लागू न होने वाली पहचानों को उजागर करता है.
- Azra is worlds apart from her conservative Muslim mother. Following a tragedy, Azra finds herself on a Bollywood-inspired journey to Pakistan - guided by memories of her mother's youth in Karachi and her own coming-of-age in rural Canada.
- Avocado Toast is an intergenerational sex comedy exploring the comforts and awkwardness of sex from age 25 to 69. When it comes to millennials and baby boomers, these nuts haven't fallen so far from the family tree.
- A hilarious headbanger finally makes it after struggling for decades, revealing it was all because of a childhood incident when the dark forces of heavy metal reached out from the grave.
- A bookstore owner starts an antagonistic relationship with a book cover model until an antique key found in a false book unlocks their romance.
- दो भाई अपनी मां को खोजने के लिए एक यात्रा पर निकलते हैं, जब उनके पिता ने उनके ठिकाने के बारे में वर्षों तक उनसे झूठ बोला था, रास्ते में, वे अपनी स्वदेशी विरासत के साथ फिर से जुड़ते हैं और एक नया दोस्त बनाते हैं.
- A daughter traveling with her widowed mother and a son traveling with his widower father meet on a cruise and decide that their musical parents would make the perfect couple try to engineer a romance only to falling in love themselves.
- Teenage troublemakers, brothers Dylan and Dane, con their way to an idyllic camp where predictably they cause chaos. They tell scary stories that start coming true and threaten a zombie apocalypse.
- Megan Henry, a down-to-earth wildlife biologist, working on a project that will foster protection of wildlife in Africa, is forced to team up with a theme park designer, Tim Ericson who wants to create an over-the-top safari attraction.
- Emma and chocolatier Luc compete for Belgium's Royal Chocolatier. The beauty and romance of Bruges inspire unique chocolate combinations, but will their entry win without them losing their hearts?