एडवांस सर्च
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या बस नीचे yyyy, या yyyy-mm दर्ज करें
इसमें सिर्फ़ चुने गए टॉपिक्स वाले टाइटल शामिल हैं
मिनटों में
1-13 में से 13
- वेरा एक समूह थेरेपी की अगुवाई करती है जहां एक युवक एक लापता होने की घटना से जुड़ी एक परिचित बचपन की यादें साझा करता है. वह 20 साल पहले अपने भाई के लापता होने के सच्चाई का पता लगाने के लिए अपने घर वापस आती है.
- Erik returns to the northernmost of Sweden after a lifetime with Stockholm police save Jägarna (1996) and Jägarna 2 (2011). Retirement doesn't become him so he helps his nephew Peter, a rookie at the local police.
- A Stockholm cop returns again to his hometown in the northern wilderness to investigate a murder.
- A Reykjavik pre-school teacher struggles to raise her daughter while selling casual sex to help make ends meet.
- Henry has been acting the human chameleon all his life - a pale reflection of other people's expectations. One day Henry's best friend Jon talks him into opening a restaurant with him in Spain. Before leaving Henry is caught up in a maelstrom of bizarre events. In order to get control over his life Henry needs to stop being a pale copy and transform himself to the sparkling original he really is. A journey, which requires both a passport and trip into his own twisted mind. And a journey which lay bare the path to love in the most unexpected places.
- In her middle years Maria, actress and mother of two-year-old Simon, receives some terrible news. She has ALS, an incurable fatal disease. Despite everything Maria doesn't give up. Her pursuit of a miracle leads to despair but also an unexpected encounter with love.
- Under the pretext of wanting to reveal where a murder victim is buried, a prisoner of 15 years escapes.
- Markus gets attacked by a likely environmental activist and hires the former police officer Erik Bäckström in the hope of tracing the perpetrator. The police cadet Peter, who is Erik's nephew, is also involved in the investigation.
- The body of Johannes Fresk is found, and the police regard it as a hit and run. However, Peter has other suspicions. Erik realizes that it can be a murder and tries to find the evidence before it's too late.
- Erik wakes up at the hospital, but walks away to meet with Markus and the South Africans for bear hunting. When they get attacked by Benjamin in the hunting lodge, Erik understands that Benjamin has evidence on Markus.
- Erik breaks into Markus's home in search of Benjamin's computer, but is caught by Karl. Peter begs Erik to turn himself in.
- The analysis of Benjamin's computer is done and the results speaks for it self. Markus is pushed hard during a police hearing and takes all means to avoid prosecution. At the same time, Peter convince Sanna to listen to Eriks testimony.
- Peter realizes that Erik didn't leave by himself and brings Bella to track him down. At the same time, a violent showdown begins in the woods where Erik is fighting for his life.