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- Série sur l'ère des dinosaures, mêlant lieux réels et images de synthèse.
- Le jeune dinosaure Patchi doit surmonter de nombreux obstacles sur le chemin vers l'âge adulte. Avec son grand frère et son amie Juniper, il va vivre une aventure palpitante!
- Il suit la vie dans tout le quartier gelé de la planète, y compris les ours polaires, les tigres de Sibérie, les singes des neiges et les pingouins.
- Un regard sur 400 ans de traite des êtres humains, de l'Afrique au Nouveau Monde, du point de vue de trois histoires différentes.
- Adventurer and naturalist Steve Backshall has one mission; to travel the globe in search of 60 of the world's deadliest animals. Travelling across six continents, Steve searches through trees, deserts, swamps and seas to find them all.
- Cette série en deux parties, qui fait suite à Walking with Dinosaurs, met en scène Nigel et son "équipe d'explorateurs" à la rencontre de la vie préhistorique sur une grande échelle de temps.
- From BBC Earth Films, the studio that brought you Earth, comes the sequel - Earth: One Amazing Day, an astonishing journey revealing the awesome power of the natural world. Over the course of one single day, we track the sun from the highest mountains to the remotest islands to exotic jungles. Breakthroughs in filmmaking technology bring you up close with a cast of unforgettable characters. Told with humour, intimacy and a jaw-dropping sense of cinematic splendour, Earth: One Amazing Day highlights how every day is filled with more wonders than you can possibly imagine- until now.
- Le professeur Brian Cox voyage à travers l'immensité du temps et de l'espace, révélant des moments épiques et dramatiques qui ont changé l'univers pour toujours.
- A visual journey showcasing the world's natural wonders through captivating slow-motion footage of nature, wildlife, seasons, and everyday marvels, capturing incredible animal behaviors with beauty and humor.
- Une odyssée mondiale pour découvrir l'habitat le plus vaste et le moins exploré de la planète. La science moderne et les nouvelles technologies océaniques nous permettent d'aller toujours plus loin dans l'exploration de l'inconnu.
- A short about what happens under and around us. A chipmunk and a small mouse go on an adventure; they grow and learn about life and its obstacles.
- The first half of this special is a recreation of Al's life, from birth through his death in adolescence.
- Focuses on the cyclical journey taken by all living creatures, from birth to having youngsters of their own.
- Tells the stories of some of our planet's most spectacular places and how they have shaped the lives of those who live there.
- Rebecca Ferguson raconte un aperçu immersif de la beauté captivante de la Scandinavie, explorant les côtes d'une beauté envoûtante, les forêts saisonnières magiques et révélant des histoires de survie de personnes et d'animaux.
- This film takes audiences on a spectacular journey across, over, and through the magical realms of the wildest continent on earth. Water, the interconnecting force of this enchanted kingdom, serves as a guide, shaping wild Africa and conjuring up life wherever it journeys...travelling above the plains on seasonal winds, cascading along raging rivers or sheltering coral cities. Audiences will be plunged into fantastic places and meet amazing creatures, discovering the fascinating secrets of this incredible world. It's an adventure where you will truly believe the real world is more extraordinary and awe-inspiring than any fiction.
- The powerful story of a land preserved in time, yet poised on the cusp of change. Explore the nation's vibrant culture, beautiful colonial architecture, and pristine ecosystems providing a vivid window into the island's history and spirit.
- Sam Neill narates an in-depth exploration of New Zealand and its amazing and obscure wildlife.
- A behind-the-scenes look at how the animators, sculptors and palaeontologists, using the latest state-of-the-art animatronics and computer graphics, collaborated to re-create not just these pre-historic behemoths but their behaviour as well for the BBC natural history documentary series _"Walking with Dinosaurs" (1999) (mini)_.
- Antarctica is the most extreme continent on our planet; higher, colder, and even drier than any other on Earth, and although it is thousands of miles away, what happens here affects every single one of us.
- A group of young pachyrhinosaurs face the trials of growing up in a prehistoric world.
- Chris Packham uses groundbreaking science to delve deep beneath the skin and discover the unique features that have made certain animal groups successful.
- Humanity's relationship with nature and wildlife and how scientists and conservationists study ways to restore the planet.
- A lot can happen in the middle of nowhere. Take a trip to the most northerly town on the planet for this gripping docu-soap charting the real-life highs and lows of its quirky inhabitants. The series is set in the town of Longyearbyen, an isolated outpost in the breathtaking wilderness of the Svalbard archipelago, halfway between Norway and Greenland. As well as its mining business, Svalbard houses the global seed vault and is at the centre of worldwide research into polar bears, climatology and glaciology. As a result it is home to a unique expat community made up of 46 different nationalities, including American, British and Norwegian. With extreme arctic conditions, three months of total darkness and the ever-present danger of polar bears, this is not your average neighbourhood - and these are certainly not your average characters!
- Narrated by Doctor Who star David Tennant, Wings3D is the breathtaking aerial adventure that takes goose bumps to new heights. Emmy® Award-nominated director John Downer uses breakthrough filming techniques and technology to bring you high-flying sights that will simply amaze you. Remarkable 3D footage captures majestic bald eagles scanning over the Grand Canyon, resplendent parrots on the wing, manta rays soaring skyward from the sea, barn swallows dive-bombing for a drink, cranes high over Venice waterways and so much more.