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- Se basa en la verdadera historia de Jordan Belfort, desde su ascenso como corredor de bolsa hasta su fracaso implicado en crimen y corrupción con el gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos.
- En 2006, un grupo de inversores apostó contra el mercado hipotecario de Estados Unidos. En está investigación, sale a la luz cuán defectuoso y corrupto es el mercado.
- Tres amigos conspiran para matar a sus horribles jefes, quienes les impiden su felicidad.
- El hombre de negocios afable Sandy Patterson viaja de Denver a Florida para enfrentarse a la mujer de apariencia engañosamente inofensiva que ha estado viviendo a lo grande después de robar la identidad de Sandy.
- Un fanático Muppet con la ayuda de 2 humanos debe reagrupar a la pandilla Muppet para evitar que un magnate del petróleo derribe uno de sus preciosos tesoros.
- Una mirada más cercana al origen de la crisis financiera de 2008.
- Siete años después un hombre se da cuenta de que él fue el donante de esperma para el hijo de su mejor amigo.
- Chronicles the financial meltdown of 2008 and centers on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.
- Una productora de televisión con pretensiones acepta el desafío de revivir un programa de programa matutino en apuros con anfitriones en pie de guerra.
- El cineasta ganador del Oscar, Oliver Stone, entrevista al presidente ruso Vladimir Putin sobre los temas que dividen las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Rusia.
- Senior investment banker Naomi Bishop is threatened by a financial scandal and must untangle a web of corruption.
- Un estudiante de secundaria adicto a Internet captura con una cámara de video la sobredosis de drogas de dos chicas.
- Charlie Rose interviews noteworthy people in fields including politics and government, business and economics, science and technology, media, sports and the arts.
- Planet of the Humans takes a harsh look at how the environmental movement has lost the battle through well-meaning but disastrous choices.
- Telling harsh truths about the modern music business, this riveting and award-winning documentary gives intimate access to singer/actor Jared Leto ("Requiem for a Dream," "Dallas Buyers Club") and his band Thirty Seconds to Mars as they fight a relentless lawsuit with record label Virgin/EMI and write songs for their album "This Is War." Opening up his life for the camera during months of excruciating pressures, Leto reveals the struggles his band must face over questions of art, money and integrity.
- La controvertida carrera política de Imelda Marcos, la ex primera dama de Filipinas, cuya influencia tras bambalinas de la presidencia de su esposo Fernando, la llevó al escenario político mundial.
- 'Ghost Exchange' probes the volatile state of U.S. capital markets and their critical impact on America's economic future. The film explores the acceleration of the evolution of U.S. stock exchanges, and uncovers the risks resulting from this wholesale adoption. Wall Street has transformed from the world of human touch trading, to computer algorithm trading- where stocks are owned for mere microseconds. The thought-provoking documentary also examines how recent financial headlines are a direct result of automated systems running unchecked. The capital market system that many considered as the world's best, may have been inadvertently lost by the pursuit of speed and efficiencies that we still do not truly understand. Wall Street has become a 'ghost exchange'.
- Follows political figures eating while discussing various topics with host Alexander Heffner.
- In the last 10 years, the landscape of the pharmaceutical industry has changed. A handful of multinationals control the manufacture of most of the drugs.
- Follows Dan Berlin and Jack Chen as they intentionally tackle the toughest cycling race in the world, RAAM, in order to open people's eyes to their equally grueling journey through the employment world as high profile blind businessmen.
- Each episode tells the inspirational stories of the men and women who founded and built incredible companies from nothing.
- Danny, Devin and Duke are about the pull off the heist to end all heists. After all, who else would even think to rob a Dollar Store on Halloween? There's only one problem: they are totally out of their element.
- A documentary TV series in which each episode explores the art, ideas and lives of a different contemporary artist.
- Hello World invites the viewer to come on a journey. It's a journey that stretches across the globe to find the inventors, scientists and technologists shaping our future. Each episode explores a different country and uncovers the ways in which the local culture and surroundings have influenced their approach to technology.
- A broadcast of a global special organized by Global Citizen and the World Health Organization featuring comedians, musicians, and actors to raise funds in support of front line health workers in the global response to COVID-19.