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- A dying Sheikh travels across the Moroccan Atlas in a caravan escorted by two rogues.
- In a village where the sea and the moon are near, there was a monster, three witches, many ghosts and a shipwrecked man.
- Costa da Morte is a region in Galicia (Spain), which was considered as the end of the world during the Roman period. Its dramatic name comes from the numerous shipwrecks that happened along history in this area made of rocks, mist and storms. We cross this land observing the people who inhabit it, fishermen, gatherers of shellfish, loggers... We witness traditional craftsmen who maintain both an intimate relationship and an antagonistic battle with the vastness of this territory. The wind, the stones, the sea, the fire, are characters in this film, and through them we approach the mystery of the landscape, understanding it as a unified ensemble with man, his history and legends.
- A European director is making a film with children from a social center in Tangiers. Because of his methods, his relationship with the children during shooting degenerate and transform the evolution of the project.
- After he find out has a venerial disease, Jesús decides to run away to the country side. Desire, guilt and self-punishment accompanying him through his new journey as a shadow.
- It is a film about a town located on the border between Portugal and Galicia that refuses to disappear. You can see everyday images of the lives of neighbors who also interpret an existentialist work. Therefore, there is a confusion of reality and fiction.
- Santi is a teenage father who lives in a small coastal town. During the day he has a job as a fisherman, while at night he smuggles seafood. While his girlfriend Lucia takes care of their baby all by herself, Santi, absent and overwhelmed by responsibility, seeks refuge and redemption in the sea.
- Once upon a night in Galicia a group of stars jumped down and took a dip in the Atlantic. One star stayed up there shining alone in the dark sky; Rosalía had different plans for the night.
- In 1984 Rober and his band Los Fiambres released their first and only lp titled El lado oscuro del rock and Roll (The dark side of Rock' n Roll). Thirty years later Rober travels to vigo to meet Nacho, a friend who is photografer. He discovers that everything has changed in this time. Neither he nor Vigo seem to be present. Maybe the only exit could be find to Ronnie. Will the beach be the desired place?