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- Un podcaster del vero crimine cerca di risolvere il mistero che circonda la morte di un patriarca di famiglia.
- L'incredibile e stimolante vita dell'imprenditrice afroamericana Madam C.J. Walker, che ha costruito un impero di prodotti per capelli che l'ha resa la prima donna milionaria d'America.
- Mini serie TVJudith e Debbie sono due migliori amiche. Debbie scopre che Judith è segretamente un'assassina. Dopo che una rapina va storta, scappano e vengono attaccate da un misterioso nemico, costringendole a confrontarsi con tutti i loro segreti.
- Film per la TV
- An inside look at America's premier crime-fighting agency, the FBI, with exclusive access to active-duty FBI agents and details of high-profile and unusual cases as told by agents, informants, undercover agents and victims.
- Serie TVSegue la vita di Bobby Love e la sua vera storia, un detenuto evaso, e di sua moglie Cheryl Love, che non ha mai saputo il suo segreto.
- The business of HIV is uncovered through the lens of a long-term survivor, who puts his life on the line in search of a cure.
- In South Florida, real doctors prescribe deadly opioids in quantities that don't makes sense; FBI Special Agent Jennifer Turner uncovers a criminal empire, and she's got one shot to take them down.
- When MS13 unleash terror in Boston the FBI already have someone on the inside to help bring the gang down
- The FBI must bring down plotters planning to set off a bomb on the day after Trump is elected in 2016
- A young woman, called the Diamond Diva, who's robbed jewellery stores across five states has the FBI hot on her heels.
- Agent Lewis heads up her first case and uncovers an unchecked world of sex, power and money behind jailhouse walls; a criminal gang takes control of the jail and its staff, and agent Lewis must gather enough evidence to take it down.
- 202046m7,5 (464)Episodio TVIn the early 1900s, Sarah Breedlove begins making and selling her own hair products for black women but faces competition from Addie, her jealous former mentor.
- Sarah's dream of opening a factory hinges on securing the support of local Black businessmen--and an endorsement from the famous Booker T. Washington.
- 202049m7,7 (346)Episodio TVSarah's ambitious plans for expanding her empire take her to New York--and lead to betrayals personal and professional that threaten all she's built.
- 202045m7,8 (339)Episodio TVThe combined blows of a health scare, worker issues and a tragedy that hits close to home push Sarah to take decisive action about her life and legacy.