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- Acompanha Anne, uma brilhante advogada que vive com seu marido Pierre e suas filhas. Anne gradualmente se envolve em um relacionamento apaixonado com Theo, filho de Pierre de um casamento anterior.
- Um jovem descobre que possui poderes divinos baseados na antiga mitologia norueguesa.
- Abril de 1940. Os olhos do mundo estão fixos em Narvik, uma cidade no norte da Noruega, fonte de minério de ferro para a máquina de guerra de Hitler. Após dois meses de feroz guerra de inverno, Hitler sofre sua primeira derrota.
- Marine biologist researches fish farm. Teenagers die, odd occurrences suggest gigantic, multi-tentacled creature lurks in deep fjord, poised to crush victims. Investigates if legendary monster exists in Norway's deepest fjord.
- Quando um caminhão bate dentro de um túnel, pessoas a caminho de casa no Natal ficam brutalmente presas em um incêndio letal. Com uma nevasca caindo violentamente do lado de fora e os primeiros socorristas lutando para chegar no local do acidente, é cada um por si.
- O principal objetivo na vida de Anton Abildgaard é se tornar um oficial da cavalaria. Durante o seu treinamento, ele acaba se apaixonando por uma bonita jovem que ficou paraplégica após se envolver em um acidente.
- A woman is plagued by constant nightmares after moving into a large, suspiciously cheap apartment. The apartment's terrible secret soon reveals itself through her dreams.
- When a project to build a thousand flats in Oslo is put out to tender, architect Julie has an idea: why not convert empty underground car parks into residential buildings? A pitch-black, keenly observed satire about an all-too-near future.
- Quando uma jovem mãe é responsável pela morte acidental de seu marido, ela convence o gêmeo idêntico do marido falecido a assumir sua identidade.
- When a boy from a small town in Norway disappears, rumors arise that wolves are responsible, but a biologist discovers the bloody jacket in his father's house and he soon disappears too, sparking a wave of investigations.
- Everybody Hates Johan is a comedy about Johan Grande's adventurous life, and his long-lasting battle to win over the love of his life, Solvor, who he accidentally blew up a bit in his teens.
- Amanda is tasked with taking special care of her new classmate Lars, who has Down syndrome. Based on the Norwegian bestseller by Iben Akerlie.
- BLIND SPOT is a story about the grey zones in mental illness; the blind spots hard to discover, as experienced by a mother realizing her daughter struggling with far worse issues than she realized.
- When a Danish family find themselves on a Greek holiday island in 2015, in the midst of the first major refugee crisis in Europe in our time, their northern European, well-intentioned, humanistic values are put to the test.
- Just before Christmas, 11-year-old Stine arrives on Cobbler Street all by herself and seeks shelter with Shoemaker Andersen, a grumpy old man who just wants to be left alone. Their meeting changes everything for both of them.
- The Olsen gang of Egon, Benny and Kjell are constantly looking for the big coup to become millionaires. They have laid out the perfect plan to break into the new Munch Museum in Bjørvika and steal "Scream".
- The story of the tragedy aboard the Scandinavian Star in 1990 is still the biggest unsolved murder mystery in Scandinavia in recent times. 30 years after the disaster, a new Danish documentary series tells the entire story.
- When the Eide family is gathered to celebrate Christmas together for the first time in years, it doesn't take long for old secrets to surface.
- The Olsen Gang is hunting a lost treasure from the Norwegian Bank heist in 1835, and have got hold of a treasure map.
- In the beginning of the sixties, Egon persuades his friends to buy oil stocks, and has to battle crooks who try to give fake information about the oil tests in in North Sea.
- Hilde is a dying performance artist. She is doing her final preparations before leaving her apartment and laying down on top of a park. She swallows a pill and dies. She leaves behind a demand to stay like that as an art installation. The next morning, a man stumbles across her body. Suddenly the police, some lawyers, her parents and a group of activists are discussing whether she should be allowed to stay.
- Série de TV
- Willy has to celebrate Christmas at a hotel this year. But she soon finds out that it's a hotel for people who, for various reasons, don't want to celebrate Christmas. Christmas is strictly prohibited. How is she supposed to celebrate now?