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- A rogue President is informed that a report finding him guilty of collusion with Russia is about to be released the next morning, a bombshell that will detonate his Presidency, resulting in his impeachment and, ultimately, criminal conviction. There's nothing he can do to stop it, so he needs another strategy. A master of molding public opinion, the President realizes that his only chance is to change the conversation. But what can he unilaterally put in place by the next morning that is big enough to overshadow impeachment? The answer is as terrifying as it is true, and it lies in the big, red button over which he has sole authority to push. Shot in real time as found footage from a combination of hidden security cameras and Secret Service Agent body cams, "The Oval" takes us inside the room to view the pressure cooker at its most intense, where loyalties are tested between brothers in arms, between the military and the civilian leaders who oversee it, and between the oldest of friends.