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- Matthias is a mouse who lives at Redwall Abbey, a fortress under constant siege from evil rats. When the image of a great mouse-warrior begins to speak to him, he realizes that his destiny is to be the successor to a great warrior.
- Tra il crollo dell'ateismo sovietico e l'ascesa dell'aggressione russa in Ucraina, gli studiosi di religione sono alle prese con la libertà e la scienza. Il mondo accademico incontra i racconti oscuri di Andersen.
- Un attore anziano ricorda i suoi trionfi teatrali passati e contempla un futuro oscuro sul palco di un teatro vuoto.
- The euro is the second most widely used currency in the world, after the dollar. Above all, it is one of the most tangible achievements of the European Union. Its history begins in the early 1970s, when the members of the EEC adopted a system that was supposed to limit exchange rates between member countries. The process accelerated in the 1990s and the currency came into effect for all on January 1, 2002. Actors and witnesses of the birth of the euro testify and retrace the history of this currency, between success and disillusionment or hopes and tensions between European states.
- The exploration of neurovascular dysfunction and the perfection of thrombolytic therapy in stroke are two core areas of research pursued by scientists of the European Stroke Network.
- Der Dokumentarfilm porträtiert die für Europa so wichtige Partnerschaft zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich, die in den letzten Jahren immer wieder durch Krisen vor große Herausforderungen gestellt wurde. Die russische Invasion der Ukraine stellt die Partnerschaft nun erneut auf die Probe. Ist sie noch in der Lage, ihrer Führungsrolle in der Europäischen Union gerecht zu werden? Am 22. Januar 1963 wird der Élysée-Vertrag zwischen Frankreich und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vom französischen Staatspräsidenten Charles de Gaulle und Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer unterzeichnet. Dieser Freundschaftsvertrag zwischen den beiden ehemals verfeindeten Nachbarn bildet in den folgenden Jahrzehnten das Fundament für die bis zum Brexit immer grösser werdende Europäische Union. 60 Jahre später wird das deutsch-französische Verhältnis durch die Invasion Russlands in der Ukraine in ungeahntem Maße auf die Probe gestellt. Angesichts des Ausbruchs eines bewaffneten Konflikts im Herzen Europas muss sich die deutsch-französische Freundschaft neu erfinden, und trotz unterschiedlicher Ansätze in der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, auf dem Energiesektor oder bei Haushaltsfragen einen gemeinsamen Weg finden. Der Dokumentarfilm "Deutschland - Frankreich: Beziehungsstatus ungeklärt" beleuchtet die Herausforderungen, die in den letzten Jahren die Beziehung zwischen den beiden Staaten immer wieder belastet haben und befasst sich mit dem neuen deutsch-französischen Modus vivendi. Auf der Grundlage von Archivmaterial, Interviews mit Spitzenpolitikern und Einblicken in den Alltag der deutsch-französischen Partnerschaft zeichnet die Dokumentation das Porträt der wichtigsten politischen Partnerschaft in Europa. Andere EU-Mitgliedstaaten, vor allem in Osteuropa, stellen den deutsch-französischen Führungsanspruch für Europa immer häufiger in Frage. Ist der sogenannte deutsch-französische Motor in Zukunft noch in der Lage, der Führungsrolle in Europa gerecht zu werden?
- In the fall of 2013, Ukraine became involved in a tug-of-war between the EU and Russia. Both wanted to tie the country closer to them. Extensive protests broke out in the country when it appeared that the then president had canceled the negotiations with the EU on a rapprochement. The center of the protests was Maidan Square in Kyiv. The consequences of the protests were both far-reaching and dramatic.
- Having been bullied and confronted with intolerance and lies all life long Alex decides to do something about it and goes on a high-speed joyride. The next morning, a professor-friend reads Alex's missing person report in the newspaper and suddenly understands a letter Alex had written to him: In it his former student explained the shocking reasons for not coming to his class anymore...
- The film highlights several of the manifold dimensions of the 30-years long development crisis in Karamoja (North-East Uganda) and of the responses to challenges in the region. The film depicts some turns of life in Karamoja through the portrays of three Karamojan women who have been facing various challenges with great personal strength, and reveals the interconnectedness of the different mechanisms of unsustainable development in Karamoja, opening up a search process for sustainable futures. Land of Thorns presents the richness and beauty of traditional pastoralist lives and cultures in the north east of Uganda and bordering Kenya.
- For the first time, the politicians and negotiators on both sides of the channel tell the story of the key events, the mistakes and the miscalculations that made Theresa May postpone Brexit and forced her from office.
- Base jumping might not sound like everyone's idea of a healthy choice, but we learn why extreme sports might actually be good for your health.
- Heart disease is only for middle-aged men to worry about, isn't it? No. The guests reveal why we all need to think about our heart health and how we can support research into heart conditions.
- Wake up on the wrong side of bed today? You could be one of the thousands suffering from a condition which prevents sufferers from getting a good night's sleep. Learn more about the simple ways to effectively address sleep apnoea.
- Do you label people who ask for gluten-free food as "fussy eaters"? Learn more about why those who suffer from coeliac disease need to be vigilant about their food choices.
- Helping a mate is part of everyday life for many Australians. Lauren Jenna Peacock talks to Perry Hembury about the benefits of volunteering and how each of us can get involved in helping our communities.
- 'Deadly Choices' is a campaign which aims to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to make healthy choices for themselves and their families. Keiron Lander talks about the basic principles of the programme.