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- Gli unici abitanti della cittadina balneare del giovane Nicholas sono donne e ragazzi. Quando un giorno vede un cadavere nell'oceano, inizia a mettere in discussione la sua esistenza e l'ambiente circostante.
- Annoiata nel suo matrimonio con un medico di campagna e soffocata dalla vita in una piccola città, l'irrequieta Emma Bovary persegue i suoi sogni di passione ed eccitazione, a qualunque costo.
- A vampire family allows filmmakers to document their lives in Belgium. While parents maintain traditions, their teens struggle - the son eyes a forbidden romance, and the daughter rejects vampire culture for human ways.
- L'ispettore Sam Leroy entra a far parte dell'unità di criminalità informatica di Bruxelles mentre cresce i suoi tre figli da solo e deve collaborare con Billie Vebber, una ex hacker che insegue segretamente i propri obiettivi.
- Il ritratto intimo di una donna divisa tra la realtà e la negazione della stessa quando è lasciata da sola ad affrontare le conseguenze della carcerazione di suo marito.
- Pavel, a 16-year-old boy on the autism spectrum with a passion for art, embarks on a journey to find his artistic idol. But when the reality of his quest clashes with his dreams, he faces challenges that test his resilience to the core.
- Riva returns to his home town of Kinshasa to sell fuel, however the people whom he stole it from are close behind and when Riva tries to get with a girl her crime boss boyfriend isn't too happy about this.
- My Father's Secrets is an intimate, funny and thought-provoking film that focuses on a family's journey to reconciliation after facing the trauma of the Holocaust. Based on the autobiographical novel by Israeli author Michel Kichka.
- Little Glory is a present-day emotional coming of age drama set partly in a small town in Michigan. Its somber and realistic plot centers around sibling relationships and custodial matters.
- Jeanne Millet is a director. Unfortunately, the inspiration has not been there. We invite him to his native region to present one of his first films during traveling screenings. This homecoming will offer him the energy of a new beginning.
- Two sisters turns in the center of a plot implying wolfram, Nazis, Franco's prisoners and British spies.
- The film follows Samy (Melvil Poupaud) and his struggle through the Balkan criminal underground and Roma ghettos. Samy is caught by the police in France for smuggling counterfeit money from Bulgaria. Pressed by ambitious police investigator he becomes police informer and is planted undercover among the Bulgarian mob. While involved in human trafficking, he falls in love with Elka (Seher Nebieva), a Roma prostitute.
- Lying is a difficult art. At 25, Antoine passes for the ugly duckling of the family. When he quits his job, he doesn't dare talk about it to those around him. From omission to invention, he plunges into the whirlwind of lies.
- Standing on the edge of a rooftop, Gregory ponders the precariousness of life. He is 20 and feels like a stranger to himself. He wonders how he can live without dreams or desires. One day, he sees Liv, another college sophomore, and falls secretly and utterly in love with her. When he finally dares to declare his love, he finds himself up against a wall. Liv does not know him. Twenty-year-old Liv loses her virginity to Ilia, an older Russian army deserter. She experiences her first love and treasures every minute. But all too soon, Ilia's past creeps back into his life and unravels their union. One day, he leaves her without a word. She will have to live with the same intolerable loneliness that she unwittingly inflicted on Gregory.
- Every days Nina films those around her using her mobile phone and has a lot of fun. Until the day she discovers what she should never have seen: the downfall of her parents. She won't let her family down .
- On his first day back from leave, widowed cop Sam is called to the scene of a young woman's murder, where he clashes with rookie tech whiz Billie.
- A graphic assassination video posted online leads the team to a network of ISIS recruiters.
- When murder of an anti-corruption hacker is captured by hidden camera in the woods, Billie tries to conceal her links to the victim.
- While investigating an unsettling murder at an apartment used by aficionados, Sam becomes obsessed with daughter Emmy's new boyfriend.
- When two well-known drug traffickers turn up dead, all the evidence points to Bob. But Sam refuses to believe his colleague is a killer.
- The kidnapping of an industrial tycoon leads to disturbing revelations about his company -- and an online "trial" to decide his fate.
- After a scientist is found dead in her self-driving car, Billie and Sam head to her nanotech lab and discover she was no stranger to controversy.