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- Une version mise à jour d'une romance du XIXe siècle se déroulant sur une île de la mer de l'archipel finlandais.
- Un homme tombe dans un délire psychique lorsque un médium lui prédit une mort prochaine.
- Dans un village de pêcheurs en Islande, un garçon éprouve des sentiments pour son meilleur ami, tandis que celui-ci tente de conquérir une fille.
- An aging politician is found dead at his home. The police declare it suicide, but amateur sleuth Professor Millie Park is not convinced. In her investigation, she lays bare a family consumed by sibling rivalry and unchecked ambition.
- Esther, une jeune juive, doit prétendre être un garçon sur une ferme norvégienne nazie. Cherchant à s'échapper en Suède, ses difficultés quotidiennes pour cacher sa véritable identité entraînent une série de choix et de conséquences.
- Three generations of a family coming together over a weekend. A sick mother's wish to die before her disease worsens gets harder to handle as old conflicts come to the surface.
- Indigo Valley is the story of estranged sisters Louise and Isabella. When Isabella unexpectedly joins Louise and her new husband John on their honeymoon through the wilderness, tensions arise and secrets between all three begin to surface in unpredictable and dangerous ways.
- Female Led Post Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Adventure.
- A kid from middle America, desperate to move to Chicago, joins the volleyball team to get a scholarship - the only catch is that his high school only has a girls team.
- Dans l'ouest de la Norvège, Rebekka cherche à se venger. Sous une fausse identité, elle recherche le violeur de sa sœur décédée et s'incruste dans sa famille idyllique pour désormais détruire sa vie.
- In the wake of the mortgage-lending crisis, a former banker returns to his hometown. Faced with his family and childhood friends, our hero learns to show up and give back to those he loves in ways that are priceless.
- Mangus Spedgwick has had one dream his whole life... He wants to be Jesus - in his high schools annual production of "Jesus Christ Superstar.
- Jack's left with a debt with the mob that will be hard to repay. Marrying the car dealer's illegal immigrant girlfriend may be the only way out.
- Ambitious executives clash on the fast track to the CEO's office, in a satire of corporate buzz words.
- A small-town American attorney cajoles his soccer buddies to travel to England to 'take their shot' in a World Masters Tournament.
- Ten-year-old Gabriel dreams of joining the Kicksled Choir, a local caroling group known for raising donations for the refugees in his community. But Gabriel faces an unexpected hurdle after he witnesses his father's alarming aggression towards the very people he wants to help.
- On her younger sister Annabel's birthday, Polly, an eccentric high school teacher takes up with teenage Matthew. Over the course of one night, he discovers Polly and Annabel share a dark secret.
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