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- La giornalista Shiori Ito indaga sulla propria violenza sessuale, cercando di perseguire l'autore del reato di alto profilo. La sua ricerca diventa un caso epocale, che mette in luce i sistemi giudiziari e sociali obsoleti del Giappone.
- Cheyenne, una rockstar ritiratasi dalle scene che vive a Dublino grazie ai diritti d'autore, torna a New York per trovare l'uomo responsabile di un'umiliazione subita dal suo defunto padre durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
- Mentre partecipa a una produzione di "Morte di un commesso", la moglie di un insegnante viene aggredita nella sua nuova casa, il che lo lascia determinato a trovare il colpevole.
- Un iraniano abbandona la moglie francese e i suoi due figli per tornare in patria. Nel frattempo, sua moglie inizia una nuova relazione, una realtà che suo marito affronta sulla richiesta di divorzio della moglie.
- Werner Herzog ottiene l'accesso esclusivo al film all'interno delle grotte Chauvet del sud della Francia e cattura le più antiche creazioni pittoriche conosciute dell'umanità.
- A documentary that follows a billionaire couple as they begin construction on a mansion inspired by Versailles. During the next two years, their empire, fueled by the real estate bubble and cheap money, falters due to the economic crisis.
- Una coppia sposata che ha passato la vita nello stesso appartamento a New York è sopraffatta quando decide di trasferirsi.
- Il giovane Yu vive nel villaggio di Kamonmura da quando era un bambino e non può andare via a causa di un incidente del passato. Deve pagare il debito di sua madre e lavora in una struttura di smaltimento dei rifiuti nelle vicinanze.
- La giornalista del Toto Newspaper Anna Matsuda, è nota come l'anticonformista dei media e lavora incessantemente per far luce sui problemi della società giapponese moderna.
- Il padre di Kenji Yamamoto è morto per aver usato un farmaco stimolante. La sua vita cadde nella disperazione. Kenji si è poi unito a un sindacato criminale e lì incontra il capo della banda, Hiroshi Shibasaki.
- Dei carcerati in una prigione ad alta sicurezza di Roma si preparano per una oerformance pubblica del "Giulio Cesare" di William Shakespeare.
- A view of Jacques Grimault's controversial, unpublished and unscientific works about the construction of Egyptian pyramids and other ancient archaeological sites around the world.
- A profile of the noted and extraordinarily cheerful veteran New York City fashion photographer.
- Akiko è una madre single che ama il suo figlio scolaro Shuhei ma ama anche il divertimento. Il figlio ha bisogno di lei e lei ha bisogno di uomini, di sesso e attenzione. Tutto va bene finché un giorno il ragazzo uccide i suoi nonni.
- It is the job of the press to cover corporate crime, government plots and society. It is in this context that young female reporter on the beat Erika rolls up her sleeves and goes to work regarding what seems to be a government cover up. She is dealing with a government bureaucrat called Sugihara. It seems as if a clash is inevitable.
- Marie Heurtin è nata sia cieca che sorda. Sorella Marguerite conquista la sua fiducia e le insegna come esprimersi.
- Biographical film about French writers Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre and their relationship.
- The opera "La Bohème" is about the tragic love story of Mimí and Rodolfo, set in Paris in the year 1830.
- Yoko is a novelist who is unable to write since the death of her son. When she takes a job at a nursing home, she witnesses severely-disabled residents whose dignity are being threatened. It eventually leads to a tragic incident.
- In the sequel to the first part, which was released simultaneously to this film, Shinji and Kenji join a boxing club. The former is just released from a prison for young offenders. The latter has a speech disability and suffers both physically and psychologically as a result. They meet and form a bond as Japanese society of 2021 breaks down around them due to the sins of capitalism and shortsightedness.
- A teenager girl's accidental death incites a media frenzy and causes her harsh father to turn his rage against those he believes are responsible.
- The year is 2021 and years of mismanagement have left Japan a broken society riddled with poverty and underemployment. Kenji is visibly disabled and has an inferiority complex. Shinji is released from prison and has time in his hands. They both coincidentally sign up at a club for boxing and soon become friends.
- As an adaptation of a Koike Mariko novel, which was inspired by the artwork True Stories by artist Sophie Calle, the film follows philosophy graduate Tamaki who, in turn, follows a man in her neighbourhood in the name of 'philosophical surveillance.' The man, it turns out, is having an affair.
- In 1944, at the end of the Second World War, Uchida was an elementary school teacher on one of the Uchiba Islands. There were several naval special defensive garrisons, and Lieutenant Shaku was a new comer to the island. After he and Uchida met several times, he was attracted to her deeply. At the same time, she was also attracted to his interest in learning and singing those island songs. Gradually, they fell in love with each other. However, her deep love for the Lieutenant also tortured her since the never-ending war would force Shaku to leave the island one day to fight elsewhere - This film is based on the novelist Hideo Mizuo co-authored with his wife Shioya Miho. This film was adapted from their two novels, "The End of the Island" and "Life and Death at the Seaside"
- Chef Ferran Adrià spends half the year making new culinary creations for his restaurant.