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- Una ragazza di 23 anni viene contattata da una forma di vita sconosciuta che afferma di essere in grado di riportare sano e salvo suo fratello maggiore sulla Terra, scomparso durante una missione spaziale.
- Twin sisters, driven by passion for piano, join an elite music university. Diagnosed with a debilitating illness threatening their hands, they refuse to abandon their dream, fighting to reinvent themselves as prodigious pianists.
- Algeria, 1954. Due uomini molto diversi, messi insieme da un mondo in subbuglio, sono costretti a fuggire attraverso le montagne dell'Atlante. Daru, l'insegnante solitario, deve scortare Mohamed, un uomo accusato di omicidio.
- A glimpse at the life of French singer Serge Gainsbourg, from growing up in 1940s Nazi-occupied Paris through his successful song-writing years in the 1960s to his death in 1991 at the age of 62.
- Due amici d'infanzia prendono strade diverse: uno diventa un poliziotto, l'altro un criminale. Ma continuano ad avere bisogno l'uno dell'altro.
- Set in the south of France in the 1960s against the backdrop of the Algerian War, a gang of young boys, led by the intrepid Lebrac, are at war with the kids of the neighbouring township, their sworn enemies.
- An agile and colorful comedy about the lives of African immigrants in Paris. Charles is the most skilled and elegant among the sellers used by hairdressers in the populated district of Château d'Eau. His mission is to fill the beauty salon with the clients captured in the street. But when the competition is intense and everyone wants to be the number one, the dirty game is on the agenda. Soon Charles will find himself in a dangerous spiral in which his dreams, reputation and even his wardrobe will be affected.
- March 4th 2001. The unspeakable occurs. Every parent's most dreaded nightmare. Toni, an eight year old boy disappears. Eight years later, the police receive a phone call from a teenager. He calls himself Toni. Would you recognize your son after eight years in hell? A riveting psychological journey into loss, love, need and deception.