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- Long-running German reality-TV series about individual people or whole families migrating to other countries.
- In "Auf und davon", we show the enthralling stories of young people who follow their hearts. Our heroines manage to overcome geographical and personal boundaries. At first glance, "Auf und davon" seems to be an adventure-format, but it contains much more: In essence, it focuses on the moving causes of our protagonists, their motivations, their desires, their fears and moments of success.
- Spin-off of the long-running German reality-TV series "Goodbye Deutschland - Die Auswanderer" that focuses on people that emigrate to very special places on Earth out of love.
- Daniela Katzenberger, born in Ludwigshafen on October 10, 1986. Occupation: Beautician. Vocation: TV-star. In early 2009, the German TV-nation could watch Daniela's struggle to get a job at the American restaurant chain "Hooters" - in vain. She was also rejected at Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion in L.A. But still, she won over the hearts of the viewers with her directness, her wit and her self-irony. Daniela's adventures become part of the series "Goodbye Deutschland". Starting from spring 2010, Daniela builds up her own "Café Katzenberger" on Mallorca. More than 2 million viewers followed the opening of the "most blonde café in the world" on July 13, 2010, and "Goodbye Deutschland" reached a new market-share peak with 11.3 percent. Daniela's format started on VOX in fall 2010 - and the fourth season of "Daniela Katzenberger - natürlich blond" started in fall 2012.
- Because of the surprising success of the "Familienglück"-series, ProSieben would like us to create more documentaries on family life: The series "We are family" is born. The format allows relevant social issues - such as parenting, Hartz IV (income assistance) or the mission of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan - to be covered from a family-perspective, focusing on how "big politics" are handled there. "We are family" turns out to be a hit right from the beginning. It is the most successful start of a daytime-format launched by ProSieben for five years. The producers are 99pro media (over 180 broadcasts between 2005 and 2010), the South&Browse GmbH and Janus GmbH.
- "I love being the center of attention." Jill Kussmacher is trying to conquer Hollywood! To make her dream come true, she took a one-way ticket to Los Angeles, the city where dreams can come true. And Jill doesn't only dream, she also acts! The young woman from Berlin inherited the starting capital from her Grandmother - and she invests it by buying her first "food truck": "Germany's famous Bratwurst" serves as her admission-ticket to L.A. - but this is only the beginning, because the woman from Germany actually has a completely different goal: Becoming a Hollywood-Star by starting off as a "Bratwurst-Princess".
- A show about German teenagers.