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- Dopo aver perso la verginità, Isabelle intraprende una vita segreta da squillo, incontrando i suoi clienti nelle camere d'albergo. Per tutto il tempo, mostra scarso interesse per gli incontri stessi o per i soldi che guadagna.
- Una cronaca delle vite interconnesse di un gruppo di persone in vista della settimana della moda di Parigi.
- A frustrated African-American TV writer proposes a blackface minstrel show in protest, but to his chagrin, it becomes a hit.
- Una coppia divorziata ordisce un piano per recuperare i soldi della pensione che gli sono stati rubati.
- A borderline fascistic Dr. Van Helsing unwittingly hires crack smoking gang-bangers to pursue the decadent vampires who secretly control Hollywood and the United States.
- A cross-dressing mental patient escapes from an asylum and robs a bank. The money is soon stolen from him, and he embarks on a killing spree in an attempt to retrieve it.
- Una commedia noir incentrata su una giovane presentatrice delle previsioni meteo e sui due uomini molto diversi che la perseguitano.
- Yorgos is released from prison after 14 years of incarceration for a murder he committed. He meets Strella, a young transsexual sex worker. They spend the night together and soon they fall in love. But the past is catching up with Yorgos.
- La famiglia travagliata di Vuillard non è estranea a malattia, dolore e esilio, ma quando la loro matriarca richiede un trapianto di midollo osseo, il clan estraniato si riunisce per Natale.
- Abandoned by his wife, a man meets a fashion photographer who is also suffering from loneliness.
- Mía is applying for a job as a photographer in Vic's studio, but she manages to show up when the hip, famous pro is having a really bad day: his model girlfriend Ana has just dumped him. He decides to leave Barcelona for 1,000 days and suggests that Mía take his place. This 1,000-day stint sets in motion all kinds of mini-stories, tales of love and romantic misadventure, creating concentric circles which fleetingly fill Vic's studio with the colorful characters who turn up for various photo shoots, modeling work and castings. The models let themselves be hauled through an artificially-created world, putting work before love, yet also seeking affection in an unreal world. "Circuit" soaks up the spirit of Barcelona and draws on its distinction as a major center of the avant-garde, architecture, photography, painting, and art in general. The film constructs a visually polished, modern portrait of the city, incorporating a series of interactive music and dance numbers, fashion shows, and 3D animation.
- Featuring the full live show, with footage shot in Japan, Russia and Europe during his world tour, you are given a front row seat to one of rock's most spectacular performances.