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- Ullrich Kasten draws parallels between the trajectories of the two 20th century dictators, who never met each other but had in common their anti-Semitism and a form of paranoia. The director describes in particular the terrible game of liar's poker they played at the time of the German-Soviet pact. Thus, when Nazi Germany invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941, Stalin was dumbfounded. He was slow to react and gave contradictory orders. During this time, the German troops, hardened by several blitzkriegs, triumphed. The Führer already saw himself in Moscow, which he said he wanted to raze to the ground and replace with a huge artificial lake. Then, faced with his failure, he swore to destroy Stalingrad. This terrible battle will be the turning point of the war.
- On a night train in the midst of the Second World War, a German SS officer secretly passes on the very first testimony of the Holocaust to a Swedish diplomat. In present time an old woman tries to find the truth to this event which gave her father a sense of guilt for the rest of his life. The film begins in the Holocaust to evolve into a modern story about personal and collective guilt.
- Their names were Herta, Liesel, Liselotte and Hildegard: Hundreds of thousands of women, including secretaries, nurses, housewives and concentration camp guards, put themselves in the service of Nazi ideology in the German-occupied areas from 1939 onwards. The women were not passive witnesses to a genocide committed by men, but active accomplices and murderers. In the history of the Second World War, the role of women was often only marginally recognized. Around 500,000 of them were active in the areas occupied by the Wehrmacht from 1939 - where the Holocaust was actually implemented.
- Im besetzten Polen errichteten die Nazis drei Vernichtungslager, eines in Sobibor. Die Häftlinge hatten einen Aufstand organisiert, der es einigen ermöglichte, zu überleben und die schrecklichen Ereignisse zu melden.
- Zusammen mit seinem Enkel Juan Carlos Emden begaben sich die Regisseure auf die Spuren des 1940 verstorbenen Max Emden, um vor allem einer Frage nachzugehen: Was geschah wirklich mit der berühmten Kunstsammlung und dem Immobilienbesitz des einstigen Kaufhauskönigs?
- 202145m8,6 (18)FernsehepisodeAs Hitler sat in prison after the Nazi's failed putsch of Nov 1923 he wrote "My Struggle". Discover how the Nazi movement can use democracy's tolerance in Germany to achieve a comeback with agitation and violence.
- 202145m8,4 (17)FernsehepisodeIn 1934 with Hitler's government firmly in control the regime's terror escalates while the majority of Germans support Hitler's anti-Jewish policy.
- 202145m8,4 (18)FernsehepisodeAt the end of 1939 the Wehrmacht invade Poland, closely followed by the SS who are there to murder thousands of the Polish intelligentsia.
- 202144m8,6 (16)FernsehepisodeIn mid 1941 Hitler invades the Soviet Union to gain living space in the east for the Germans. Meanwhile the Nazi regime gradually advances its "final solution to the Jewish problem", culminating in the Holocaust.
- 202257m7,7 (24)Fernsehepisode