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- Nel 1995, la diciassettenne Isabel Baker fu assassinata. Il caso non è mai stato risolto. Nel 2020, l'apertura di una capsula del tempo rivela un segreto che mette il detective James Cormack sulle tracce dell'assassino.
- In un prossimo futuro, la tecnologia controlla quasi ogni aspetto della vita quotidiana. Ma quando il mondo del tecnofobo Gray viene sconvolto, la sua unica speranza di vendetta è un impanto sprimentale con un chip elettronico chiamato Stem.
- L'ex marito violento di Cecilia si toglie la vita e le lascia la sua fortuna e lei sospetta che la sua morte sia stata una bufala.
- Una donna viene informata da una cartomante che incontrerà la sua anima gemella in uno dei cinque appuntamenti successivi.
- Una reinvenzione moderna di una delle opere classiche più famose e conosciute: Carmen.
- Nel 1968, quattro giovani e coraggiose aborigene australiane diventarono delle star improbabili cantando per le truppe americane in Vietnam.
- Tim e John si sono innamorati mentre erano adolescenti al liceo maschile. John era il capitano della squadra di rugby, Tim un aspirante attore che recitava una parte minore in Romeo e Giulietta.
- The story of 1970s musician and activist Helen Reddy.
- Un incidente che coinvolge un bambino in giovane età scatena una sequenza di eventi che fa crollare il mondo di un agente di polizia australiano.
- In un futuro molto prossimo, le creature dell'antica mitologia devono vivere tra gli umani e combattere per la sopravvivenza in un mondo che vuole mettere a tacere, sfruttare.
- What chance have you got when your dad's a cop, your mum's a frighteningly understanding parent, your best friend's a heavy metal devotee and then you fall in love at 12. It can only mean trouble, worry and some wild, wild times.
- Lauren and Ned, in love and engaged, have just ten days to find Lauren's mother who has gone AWOL somewhere in the remote far north of Australia, reunite her parents, and pull off their dream wedding.
- An event drama exploring the lives of Australian soldiers, the secrets they conceal, and a compelling mystery blurring the lines between killer and hero, truth and fantasy.
- The shy son of an aging comedienne tries to find a balance between his demanding home life, his new girlfriend, and his mother's second chance at fame.
- Dopo la morte di suo padre, una bambina di otto anni si convince che lui le stia sussurrando.
- Serie TVUna dinamica avvocatessa indigena e suo marito panettiere si trasferiscono da Adelaide nell'entroterra per crescere sua nipote orfana, destreggiandosi tra una genitorialità inaspettata mentre lei si assume responsabilità culturali.
- Based on the novel, Silent Parts, by John Charalambous, An Accidental Soldier is about an Australian soldier who flees the carnage of the Western Front and finds refuge with a French woman in a remote farmhouse. Harry Lambert is a shy, thirty five year old Australian soldier, working as a baker behind the lines. He is a gentle man, a reluctant soldier, but a man like many who has been shamed by his local community into joining up. But when he is called into the front line Harry decides to run, finding refuge in a farmhouse owned by Colombe Jacotot, a Frenchwoman in her forties whose husband has abandoned her and whose son has recently been killed. Forced to work in an ammunitions factory, Colombe too is trenchant about the war. Through her Harry will learn true courage. Through him Colombe will learn beauty. Together they will discover a love so strong that each is willing to give their life for it. An accidental soldier is a tender, at times gripping love story between two people who find passion, in all its joy and hurt, at an age when they thought love has passed them by. It is a story of unexpected bravery of countless men and women who would not give up their lives for abstracts like glory, or country. Those who wanted to live for love and life.
- "The Eternity Man" is a story of an Australian icon that spread hope and redemption around the country.
- 1857, the charismatic headman of the Chinese mining camp struggles to maintain the fragile harmony between Chinese and European diggers when a murdered European woman is discovered to have links to the Chinese community.
- Set 5 years in the future. After years without rain fire engulfs the entire city.
- The Masked Avenger can make things happen. Though at 10 he is considered young for a justice fighter he has already proved himself highly effective in the pursuit of peace. He has discovered powers that are locked inside gems and minerals and uses them to keep Franklin Street safe. But something is wrong in the house at the end of the street. There is a woman in trouble. When The Masked Avenger leaves a 'happiness questionnaire' in her letterbox a series of events are set in motion that no one could predict. This is the story of a superhero, a beagle, an amber amulet and the potential that is locked inside all of us.
- This is the story of a typical contemporary Australian family. Skye is getting married to Lachlan. They have to tell her mother, stepfather, father, step mother, his father, his new wife, his mother and her girlfriend. Not counting grandparents, aunt and friends. They live with Skye's stepfathers son and best mate who is in love with Skye.
- An island on spectacular Sydney Harbour. Summer sun Top international artists. Tens of thousands of music fans from across the world Idyllic... Until unimaginable disaster strikes.
- An intense psychological drama around four people in a remote country village; where a creature is killing the local animals.
- While watching his daughter, Matilda, playing at the park, Eddie is confronted by a Mummy-Nazi who insists that Matilda has pooed in the middle of the jungle gym. In response to the Mummy's continued harassment, Eddie throws the offending poo at her face and makes a run for it. Parents and kids give chase on purpose-built, kid-friendly safety bicycles. Thankfully Eddie and Matilda make it home in one piece. On her way out to work Sarah, Eddie's wife, reminds him that he's promised to build a deck. Grace and Elliot - friends who Eddie can't place for the life of him - are coming over tonight and she's anxious to make a good impression. Eddie also has to take his daughters to their classmate's party and buy a present en route. Eddie is more concerned with finding the remote control, but reluctantly agrees.