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- Nach der Entdeckung einer Leiche im Nationalmuseum werden Inspektor Edib und Mido an den Tatort gerufen.
- Massimos idyllische Kindheit wird durch den Tod seiner Mutter erschüttert. Jahre später muss er seine traumatische Vergangenheit erneut durchleben, und die mitfühlende Ärztin Elisa versucht, ihm dabei zu helfen, sich zu öffnen und sich den Wunden aus seiner Kindheit zu stellen.
- Eine kleine Stadt in Serbien. Nikola, Tagelöhner und Vater von zwei Kindern, wird angewiesen, seine Kinder an soziale Dienste abzugeben, nachdem Armut und Hunger seine Frau zu einer Verzweiflungstat getrieben haben.
- A teenage girl's seemingly little lie leads her into a storm of expectations, condemnation, and social dogmas.
- Ein liburnischer Volsus wird von einer römischen Einheit mitgenommen, um bei der scheinbar einfachen Aufgabe des Steuereintreibens zu helfen, aber die Begegnungen mit den lokalen illyrischen Stämmen führen bald zu unerwarteten Wendungen.
- Set in socialist Yugoslavia in 1986, a humble and diligent factory worker falls into a 10-year shock right at his working place. He wakes up from coma in hospital in 1996 capitalist Slovenia, only to find out that he's left without job as being redundant.
- A Bosnian police inspector is called in by his boss to cover a night's shift at the station.The film's characters are a cross section of the problems ,divisions, and injustices of this particular Balkan country.
- A Roma family lives far from the urban centres of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The father Nazif salvages metal from old cars and sells it to a scrap-dealer. The mother Senada keeps the house tidy, cooks, bakes and cares for their two small daughters. One day, she feels a sharp pain in her abdomen. At the hospital she is told there is something wrong with the baby she is carrying: "They say it's dead." She is at risk of septicaemia and they must operate immediately. But Senada has no medical insurance; since the operation will cost much more than the family can afford the hospital's head refuses to treat her. A race against time together with a mounting sense of hopelessness played by a cast of non-professional actors re-enacting an episode from their own lives. Winner of the Silver Bear Jury Grand Prix and the Silver Bear for best actor at the Berlin Film Festival 2013.
- Asja, 40, single in Sarajevo, meets Zoran, 43-year-old banker at dating event. He was a shooter during 1993 war, seeking forgiveness from first victim. They relive pain while searching for forgiveness and closure.
- Hannah Maynard, a prosecutor of Hague's Tribunal for war crimes in former Yugoslavia, charges a Serbian commander for killing Bosnians. However, her main witness might be lying, so the court sends a team to Bosnia to investigate.
- The major hotel Europe in Sarajevo will receive an important visit on the anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, attack that triggered World War. As the manager of the place waiting to Jacques, a special French guest, workers in the kitchen preparing a strike because they have spent months without pay and journalist records a television show on the roof.
- Joachim is approached by a man believing him to be a Bosnian soldier who died on the day Joachim was born. Suspicious that he is the reincarnation of the soldier, Joachim travels to Sarajevo with his friends Alice and Virginie to uncover his past life.
- While her middle class, socialist family is falling apart around her, Berina, a young artist, tries to cope both with her awakening sexuality and her mother Jasna's imminent death. Her father cannot accept the fact that life is already happening without his wife. Her younger sister Luna cannot or does not want to grow up. For everybody's sake, Berina wants to save her mother's life and her family the only way she can - through art, and through magic.
- One night, a high-profile attorney is found on the pavement along a main road through Ljubljana. He is barely conscious, lying in a pool of blood, and covered in dog bites. Doctors at the medical center fight to keep him alive while his wife, in shock, confronts her deepest fears. During the course of this night she will break every moral standard she has stood up for in her life.
- In and around a house love stories intertwine. One love story leads to another. The ghosts of love are left behind to seek the answers to the same question: "What do I know about love?".
- Real life people play versions of themselves, in a love triangle set in a facility for intellectually disabled youth.
- Merjem-Meri, eine ehrgeizige 30-jährige Hausfrau und Mutter des 8-jährigen Mädchens Mila, zieht nach 10 Jahren Ehe zurück in ihr Elternhaus.
- During five days rappers Frankie and Kontra, DJ Soul and music producer Billain traveled more than 500 kilometers, visiting Tuzla, Banja Luka, Zenica, Sarajevo, Mostar and Konjic, meeting musicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina. In road studio they recorded sounds and created new songs.
- When a chance encounter brings together two teens from opposite sides of life in post-war Sarajevo, a blossoming romance conceals their desperate and disturbing motives.
- In an abandoned bungalow complex, two men have made themselves a peaceful haven. Although the relationship between them is unclear, the unexpected arrival of a third man is going to disrupt their little utopia.
- Film follows a woman walking this very route. She stops, hesitates, runs. She waits, calculates and bends down. Every crossing is a new challenge and new calculation.
- Sarajevo, the longest siege in modern history. A surrounded city, a battle, resistance. A vertiginous descent into war.
- What is the true phrase? Heart is where the home is? Home is where the heart is? Bajo (37) is Bosnian-born Swede. After 18 years he has to visit his hometown. Against his will, Sarajevo is changing him. But that does not make him less Swedish or more Bosnian, just more himself. Or simply, home is where you are.
- FernsehserieA senior inspector tries to solve the case, he dives deeper and deeper into modern-day Sarajevo. Which hasn't really changed all that much and keeps protecting its secrets