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- Um médico do Exército que sofre de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático se torna um ladrão de banco em série depois que o vício em drogas o deixa em dívida.
- Em um idílico retiro para escritores no Marrocos, uma escritora recém-solteira acaba se envolvendo com um homem mais jovem que está questionando os rumos da sua vida.
- Acontece durante um fim de semana nas montanhas de Marrocos e explora as repercussões de um acidente aleatório na vida dos muçulmanos locais e dos visitantes ocidentais de uma grande festa de aldeia.
- John Paul Getty III, o herdeiro e membro mais jovem de uma saga de magnatas do petróleo, é sequestrado pela máfia italiana para obter um resgate.
- Apanhados no fogo cruzado da guerra civil, os agentes da CIA devem enviar um ex-diplomata americano para negociar pela vida de um amigo que ele deixou para trás.
- Um representante de vendas americano procura recuperar suas perdas viajando para a Arábia Saudita e vendendo o produto da sua empresa a um rico monarca.
- The story of the twelve tribes of Israel is told through the eyes of Jacob's only daughter, Dinah.
- Yuri Orlov, the world's most famous arms dealer, discovers that he has a son, Anton who is trying to outdo his father by raising an army of mercenaries to fight in America's Middle Eastern conflicts, triggering a father-son rivalry.
- Uma análise do relacionamento entre Sêneca e Nero, o infame imperador que foi seu mentor desde a infância e que o acusou de planejar seu assassinato.
- Após uma visita pessoal do próprio Deus, o excêntrico trabalhador de construção Gary Faulkner toma a decisão de embarcar em uma aventura nas terras devastadas do Paquistão para levar o líder da Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, à justiça.
- Mary flees with her newborn son to protect him from the murderous King Herod's attempt to find and kill the child. A retelling of the Biblical tale of Herod's slaughter of innocents.
- Os jovens soldados, Bartle e Murph navegam pelos terrores da guerra do Iraque sob o comando do mais velho e problemático Sargento Sterling. O tempo todo, Bartle é torturado por uma promessa que fez à mãe de Murph antes de serem enviados.
- A university professor's ignorance is exposed when he must prepare a student for a debate.
- Uma empregada testemunha um assassinato num hotel de luxo e um policial é designado para o caso.
- A single mother on vacation, takes the law into her own hands to take back her abducted child.
- Fatima-Zahra and her teenage son Selim move from place to place, forever trying to outrun the latest scandal she's caught up in. When Selim discovers the truth about their past, Fatima-Zahra vows to make a fresh start. In Tangier, new opportunities promise the legitimacy they each crave but not without pushing the volatile mother-son relationship to the breaking point.
- A military special operations team, led by a CIA case officer, are on a mission in the harsh and hostile terrain of Afghanistan where they find themselves in a Middle Eastern "Bermuda Triangle" of ancient evil.
- To keep her parents from being evicted and fund her Clash-inspired punk band, Malika takes a job smuggling drugs over the mountains. Her partner in the run is a world-weary veteran drug mule, who unexpectedly wins Malika's sympathy.
- In 1915 a man survives the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, but loses his family, speech and faith. One night he learns that his twin daughters may be alive, and goes on a quest to find them.
- Written and directed by former soldier, Tom Petch, 'The Patrol' provides the antidote to the war action film. A psychological drama, the film explores the relationships between a group of British soldiers as they grow disillusioned with the Afghan war.
- Film about the death of the German politician Uwe Barschel, who was found dead under mysterious circumstances in his hotel room in 1987, and the surrounding political scandals.
- "The Mamba" is a top international terrorist. A deadly fighter, sniper, bomber, and master of deception. Hossein Sarivi is a good husband and works at a biscuit factory. Their mutual resemblance is uncanny, but have never met, until now.
- Mid-nineties, a small town in Northern Morocco. Fouad is a technician whose life is disrupted by a neurological disease. While Fouad is dying, his family rediscovers itself through love, sorrow and memories.
- Eine ambitionierte Studentin versucht, ihr Idol davon zu überzeugen, an sie zu glauben.
- In 2008 documentary maker Sean Langan travels to Pakistan to film Taliban training camps for Channel 4 but,along with his interpreter Rani,is taken hostage by fervent Taliban adherent Mr. C, who accuses him of being a spy and demands two million dollars ransom. Three nerve-wracking months follow,during which time Sean recalls domestic life with his wife and two sons,for whom he keeps a diary. Given some protection by Gul Jan,in whose house they are prisoners,the pair are finally released after Mr C is informed that Sean is not a spy but a family man like himself.