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- The movie was a fictional student made comedy film but actually was also a very good documentary portrait of Antioch College Ohio student life and the campus and program there in the 1960's. The movie was made in 1967 and was the "Senior Project" for the writer; director/ producer/ actor, Marc Ston, Antioch '67, who gained admission to NYU Film School in Fall 1967 and was a classmate there with Martin Scorcese. Anitoch College Ohio later had bad troubles and was closed down in 2008 and re-opened in 2011. However, in the 1960's, Antioch was a highly honored school....popular, famous, respected...considered (rightly) one of America's best undergrad colleges. Story traces "Mary Lou Meriwhether" (girl lead) and "Durwood Raintree Jr." (boy lead) from Freshman startup days at Antioch thru to a camped up "graduation day" where the kids wear mortarboard hats like at Oxford U.....and rode motorcycles while wearing academic robes! Joke, joke, joke....the whole movie was peppered with jokes by the carload...mostly very funny, esp. for people from Antioch who knew how true the jokes really were! ---------------------- Submitted Feb. 2012 by Tex (David) Allen, SAG Actor (See my IMDb.Com Resume for bio and credits), Antioch College Alumnus, Class of 1966 Email: DavidAllenUSA@Yahoo.Com