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- Un visionnaire au chômage devient le directeur d'une chaîne publique locale. La chaîne rencontre le succès grâce à toutes sortes de gags hilarants et d'humour farfelu.
- After much drama, cheating, and trial separations, two men fight to save their respective relationships.
- "Police Academy" styled film offers its laughs at the expense of students of the obvious school for ninjas.
- Carroll Whitfield is an empty suit working for the House and Home hardware store chain. His latest assignment is to check up on the company's newest branch, out in the tiny town of East Stackton. He knows the locals aren't big fans of city-folk, but they're acting even stranger than he expected. And what's this "dedication" coming up that everyone keeps talking about, and why do they keep acting like they don't want him to find out about it? As Carroll plunges deeper into the world of East Stackton, he must learn the secret at the town's heart before that secret swallows him whole.
- Natasha Brooks believed she could have it all: a successful career, a loving husband and a child. Time slips by. Natasha realizes she only achieved one of the three: a career. Seeking the help of The One Organization Natasha seeks to take control of her life and create a family alone. Until a strange twist of fate makes her question does she really have the strength to find "The One".
- Dim Light follows the story of Asia Shepherd, a legal aide from a magazine publication, investigating the mystery of a photographer who has mysteriously gone blind. The photographer, however, is still taking pictures that are too good to be true.
- The story follows the making and recording of the Song."THIS VAN". With lots of celebrity musicians.