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- Une saga multigénérationnelle se déroulant en Alberta au Canada, centrée sur la vie d'une famille à travers les moments heureux comme les moments difficiles.
- Une famille imparfaite travaille ensemble à contrecoeur dans le cabinet d'avocats de leur père au centre-ville de Vancouver.
- L'arrière-arrière petite-fille de Wyatt Earp combat des démons et d'autres créatures. Avec ses capacités uniques et ses alliés, elle est la seule chose qui puisse traduire le paranormal en justice.
- Suit la vie des McMurray qui luttent pour maintenir à flot leur ranch bien-aimé.
- Wynonna Earp rentre chez elle pour affronter son plus grand ennemi : une séductrice psychotique bien décidée à se venger d'elle - et de tous ceux qu'elle aime.
- Alors qu'il s'occupe d'un petit restaurant, Jade Virani rencontre une fille qui vient de déménager dans sa ville et ils se disputent le nouveau poste de manager.
- The McGregor family owns a large estate and oil firm, but face complications when the previous owners' descendants refuse to sell back the land despite financial struggles, leading to tensions between the neighboring families.
- Ty et Amy partent au secours de chevaux, bloqués par une avanlache, malgré les risques encourus.
- Fortunate Son is about espionage, political activism and love, loyalty and healing.
- An oil industrialist, an environmental activist and a politician are in conflict in this drama set around a summit on climate change.
- In 2045, a former MMA fighter turned government agent, runs a bar in the tiny town of Borealis - where a number of international interests are vying for control of the area.
- Growing up as a punk in Calgary during the 1980s.
- A semi-fictional story about the shooting of four Canadian RCMP officers during a drug raid in Mayerthorpe, Alberta.
- It is described as a high-octane, cliffhanger-driven, neo-noir thriller set in the big rig cab of Joe Dobbs as he traverses the darkest nights of his life.
- Jade's opportunity for a promotion is put in jeopardy when the new girl in town shows up full of energy and innovative ideas.
- Jade fends off newcomer Sloane's social media prowess while brainstorming great community-oriented ideas for Maggie's with Georgie and Trace.
- An unexpected friendship grows while Jade tries to attract talent to her big Maggie's promotion.
- A misunderstanding leads to a broken promise and Jade and the gang are left to pick up the pieces before it's too late.
- With everything falling apart around them, Trace and Sloane try to motivate a dejected Jade to step up and save the show.
- Some surprise performances at the big show pave the way for the announcement of the new manager position at Maggie's.
- Ruby Howard, peace protester and mother goes to Blaine WA to pick up a would be draft dodger Travis, who causes some problems while crossing the border into Canada. At a peace rally Ruby's son Ralph (also a protester) sets an effigy on fire resulting in some police intervention and then the arrest of Ruby and others.
- The committee works to free the jailed peace protesters as Ralph and his new girlfriend, Destiny, take matters into their own hands.
- Ruby struggles to connect with her children who both seem unreachable to her. Travis helps a new deserter to cross the border but discovers he knows something of Travis' troubled past.
- Ruby throws herself into the California primary campaign for Robert Kennedy; Travis is invited back to the Howard house.