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- The comedy illusionist duo explore various topics and debunk what they consider misconceptions about them.
- Penn and Teller look at the various twelve step programs that are used to cure addiction. They also look at the Alcoholics Anonymous and ask if it is a front for religious indoctrination.
- Penn and Teller and crew visit a UFO convention and attend a therapy session for alien abductees.
- Is circumcision a valid practice? Penn & Teller look at the various justifications behind the procedure and try to determine whether there exists a medical or social cause.
- Penn and Teller look at some of the crazy conspiracy theories that people believe in.
- Penn and Teller expose spoon bending, remote viewing, psychic ability and telepathy, for the scams that they are.
- Penn and Teller debunk the believers of the Nostradamus prophecies, proffer a jaundiced view of survivalists and mock the Christian end-of-world types.
- 2003–201029mTV-147,0 (217)FernsehepisodePenn and Teller look at some of the more extreme claims of the various environmental organizations.
- 2003–201028mTV-MA7,3 (133)FernsehepisodePenn and Teller look at the different techniques that the fitness industry uses to get your money, when a good diet and moderate exercise is all you need to stay healthy.
- 2003–201029mTV-148,4 (221)FernsehepisodeThree different Feng Shui "experts" are asked for their advice on changing the layout of a room. Penn and Teller also ask why we are buying bottled water when tap water is just as good.
- Penn and Teller look at the lengths people will go to to stay young.
- Penn and Teller argue against gun control in the USA.
- Penn and Teller look at the business of hair, and the lengths that some people will go to keep it, and to lose it.
- 2003–201026mTV-147,9 (180)FernsehepisodePenn and Teller expose Ouija Boards and the myth of people experiencing Near Death Experiences by scientifically looking at evidence.
- Penn and Teller look at animal liberation and expose PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) as hypocrites.
- 2003–201030mTV-146,6 (230)Fernsehepisode"Bullshit" ridicules the anti-second-hand-smoke crusade. And it casts a critical eye on products designed to make babies smarter.
- Penn and Teller look at what people will do to increase their penis and breast size, and the scams merchants that will help them do it.
- Penn and Teller investigate religious icons such as the Turin shroud, a toasted cheese sandwich with the face of the Virgin Mary, and a door with the eyes of Jesus.
- 2003–201027mTV-148,3 (297)FernsehepisodePenn and Teller introduce their series, explain their use of profanity and expose psychics who claim to speak with the dead.
- 2003–201029mTV-MA8,2 (229)FernsehepisodePenn and Teller take a look at the most famous work of fiction.
- Penn and Teller look at how the Patriot Act was rushed into law following 9/11 and what power this gave to the government. It also looks at how we are increasingly being monitored in our day to day life.
- Penn and Teller examine how political correctness and left-wing politics have infiltrated American colleges.
- Penn and Teller take a look at creationism, or intelligent design as it would like to be known, and how it is trying to force its way into American schools.
- Penn and Teller look at peoples obsession with dieting and health foods, and the industry that surrounds them.
- Penn and Teller ask if the Endangered Species Act is about saving rare animals, or just another Government grab for power.