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- Never-before-seen footage, exclusive voice messages, and accounts from Jeff Buckley's inner circle paint a captivating portrait of the gifted musician who died tragically in 1997, having only released one album.
- Documentary about Father Oliver O'Grady, a Catholic priest who was relocated to various parishes around the United States during the 1970s in an attempt by the Catholic Church to cover up his rape of dozens of children.
- An examination of a failure of justice in the case against the West Memphis Three.
- An investigation into accusations of teenagers being sexually abused within the film industry.
- Troubled teens attend a Wilderness Therapy program in Utah's desert, navigating personal challenges amidst the harsh Outback environment.
- Die wahre Geschichte der Schauspielerin und Aktivistin Evan Rachel Wood, einer Überlebenden häuslicher Gewalt, als sie sich zum ersten Mal aufmacht, ihren berüchtigten Täter zu nennen.
- Musiker Cat Power beschreibt in diesem Dokumentarfilm Janis Joplins Weg zum Star anhand von Briefen, die sie im Lauf der Jahre an ihre Freunde, Angehörigen und Mitarbeiter schrieb.
- Bekannt geworden durch den Podcast "Serial", die fortlaufende Geschichte von Adnan Syed, der wegen Mordes an einer Highschool-Schülerin verurteilt wurde.
- Dokumentationsreihe, die die tiefe emotionale Bindung zwischen den Menschen und ihren geliebten vierbeinigen besten Freunden feiert.
- Eine Mutter kehrt nach dem Tod ihres Zwillingsbruders in ihre Heimatstadt Detroit zurück und taucht in dessen Freundeskreis ein, wobei sie bald herausfindet, dass sein Tod nicht das ist, was er zu sein scheint.
- The story focuses on Benazir Bhutto's life, her 2008 assassination while campaigning for Pakistan's elections, its impact on the nation's democracy, and her legacy as an influential yet divisive political figure.
- An intimate portrait of Franca Sozzani, the legendary editor-in-chief of Italian Vogue.
- Selbstlose Trainer bieten Jugendlichen mit dieser Football-Initiative einen sicheren Zufluchtsort und vermitteln ihnen auf spielerische Weise Lektionen fürs Leben.
- The Women's March mobilized millions of women to protest after the inauguration of President Trump. But working across ideologies to combat injustice has its challenges. Academy Award-nominated director Amy Berg takes an insider look at the struggle for intersectional activism among the Women's March leadership.
- Fernsehserie
- Dex Osama, a rising star in the rap scene, had just signed to Meek Mill's Dream Chasers record label. Destined for success, his music became infamous for an intense portrayal of a harsh reality. On September 7th, 2015, four days before the release of his debut project, he was gunned down on Detroit's west side. We examine who Dex was as a person and uncover the demons he faced. Through interviews with those closet to him, the audience learns about the complex elements that led to his success, his tragic fall, and the paradox of how these elements overlapped. The exact characteristics that made him famous lead to his death.
- A young man is tortured by the duality of his past and future self as he tries to break through and find peace.
- 20216,4 (25)Fernsehepisode
- In 2019, actor and activist Evan Rachel Wood co-authors and helps pass California's Phoenix Act, which extends the statute of limitations for domestic violence cases. Having never publicly named her abuser, Wood begins to detail the violent relationship she was coerced into at only 18 years old with then 37-year-old Brian Warner, known to the world as rock icon Marilyn Manson.