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- Adolescenti in lizza per il premio finale con ogni mezzo necessario.
- Ambientato in un gigantesco centro commerciale, questo spettacolo segue le vite dopo la scuola di sei sedicenni.
- Wyatt asks Serena out for Valentines Day and makes tons of traditionally romantic plans for the big night flowers, candy, reservations the works?
- Now that Ron the Rent-a-cop has backup, a new trainee named Kai, he's tightening the leash on the teenagers in the mall - especially our gang. After one too many tickets, the gang has had it and decides to initiate a plot to push Ron to the end of his rope and make him quit. They are successful, and all of the teens in the mall celebrate their triumph! But when Caitlin sees the broken and lonely man that Ron has become without his job in security, she breaks down and helps him find a job. One thing leads to another and soon Ron has latched onto the gang and become one of them. This can't be happening! The gang jump into action and help Ron get his job back.
- When Nikki falls for Hunter, the hot, new Albatross & Finch greeter god on the block, Caitlin offers to run interference and get the goods on Hunter?
- It's the day the gang has been waiting for! They now don't have to beg their parents for allowances and can get their own jobs. Jen, who had to get a job at the only place in the mall that hired under 16's, The Big Squeeze, last year is looking to get a job at the Penalty Box, while Jude tries at the North Shore Surf and Skate, Jonesy at the Gigantoplex and etc, but finding a job is harder then they thought and Jen is the only one who has one at the end of the day. After getting advice from Jen the gang is finally able to get jobs, even Caitlin, a rich girl whose dad just cut off her credit card spending. Jonesy gets fired after five minutes of working and Nikki has to work at the most degrading place in the mall... the Khaki Barn!
- Jude gets an unexpected call from a pay phone and the call is from a sweet woman from Australia. Alan Park is a guest voice in this episode.
- Jonesy scores a job at the mall's amusement park and invites everyone to come. Everyone agrees to go accept Jen, who has just gotten off probation and does not want to skip work to go to the amusement park. The rest of the gang gets of work and devises a plan to get Jen to realize how much she needs this day off, but when Jonesy tries to help by calling the Penalty Box, Coach Halder decides to put Jen back on to probation.
- Christmas at the mall sucks: Line ups, impatient customers, and last-minute shopping is enough to drive anyone mad. Caitlin tries to get everyone psyched for Christmas. She has decorated the Big Squeeze and even planned a Chris Cringle gift exchange. But the whole gang is too wiped out by the Christmas rush to get into the mood and eventually even Caitlin gives up. When Jonesy (who gets fired from his Elf gig in Santa's Village) gets them all locked inside the mall after closing, however, the gang discover the true meaning of Christmas at the mall.
- What starts out as quick trip to the spa with Caitlin to rid Jonesy of a pesky unibrow soon leads to a full spa package of Swedish massage, seaweed wrap and full body exfoliation for Jonesy!...
- Jen's going for her driver's license and Jude, the only one with a valid permit to drive, is giving her some tips. At first she's timid but after training at the virtual driving game in the Arcade, Jen's a lean, mean, driving machine. After Wyatt loses his lucky charm he's convinced he's doomed to a life of bad luck. Caitlin sets out to prove to him that luck has nothing to do with your successes in life... or does it? Ask Jonesy... who just got fired. Again.
- Caitlins crazy about her new boyfriend, Wade. So crazy, that every moment Caitlins not with Wade, shes talking about Wade?
- Nikki is temporarily fired from the Khaki Barn because of Jonesy, and forced to work with Darth and Caitlin helps her to set Darth up with Julie. Meanwhile, Jen and Jonesy try to compete in salesmanship to win sporting equipment and Jen makes a deal with Officer Ron so she can sell most of her products. Also, Jude sets Wyatt up with Lydia, but she thinks that Wayne is Wyatt.
- Wyatts sixteenth birthday has arrived and no one could be less thrilled than Wyatt?
- When Jonesy accidentally sees Jen completely naked and cant get the image out of his head, Jen considers going into hiding?
- Caitlin's sixteenth birthday is weeks away and she is making HUGE plans to ensure that it will be the biggest event anyone has ever attended.
- When Jude just can't seem to break up with his new clingy girlfriend of three dates, Rita, Jonesy offers to step in and do the dirty work for him?
- Jen is mortified when her journal goes missing. She uses it to record all of her most private thoughts - the good, the bad and the ugly! The idea of anyone else reading it sends her into a total panic.
- Caitlin's life is turned upside-down when she meets not one, but two perfect guys. Handsome Vince seems like the ideal catch: tall, dark, and seriously cool, a young George Clooney in perfectly tailored packaging. But then there's sweet Blake, the incurable romantic and impoverished artist with floppy bangs, British charm and puppy dog eyes. Both are falling for Caitlin, and either would be an ideal boyfriend. The choice is impossible! So Caitlin decides to take Jonesy's advice and date both guys - until things go from romantic to frantic! Meanwhile, Jude discovers a crusty old memento from his days at 'Stick It' and decides to swap it online, with unexpected results. And Wyatt nearly loses it when he's forced to work with an incredibly annoying retired couple he nicknames 'the Bickersons'.
- An innocent trip to Albatross and Finch goes horribly wrong when Caitlin falls in love with a pricey beaded halter top - and gossips to Jen about Tricia in the change rooms. Unaware that Tricia is in the next stall over, Caitlin falls prey to her frienemy's plan for retaliation - when Tricia plants the aforementioned halter in Caitlin's shopping bag! A mortified Caitlin is charged with shoplifting - banned from the store, and thrown in the mall security holding tank.
- It's three days before one of the biggest dances of the winter, and a humongous overnight snowfall means one thing - SNOW DAY. To Ron's horror, every teen in town immediately heads to one place - The Mall. Jude and Jonesy immediately wreak havoc with their wild stunts and get Ron-the-Rentacop on their bad side. Jonesy proceeds to get fired - again - but Jude's day off leads him to the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to drive the ice rink's Zamboni. Unfortunately, he drives it right through The Penalty Box and is banned from the mall - forever.
- When Jen finally gets Caitlin a date with Kyle, the hot guy shes been crushing on, Caitlin has GOT to find the perfect outfit...
- Caitlin and newly single Jen both want to date the same guy, the new mall handyman, and when neither of them will back down Nikki suggests they make it a friendly competition.
- Marlowe and Wyatt have been getting on each other's nerves. So much so that when Marlowe says that they need to talk, Wyatt's certain she's going to break up with him - and bolts.
- Diego and Robbie are driving Jen nuts. She can't stand having stepbrothers - especially the variety that stick frozen peas up your nose, and draw on your face with marker.