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- Der Film folgt Catherine Ravenscroft, einer Fernsehjournalistin, deren Arbeit auf der Aufdeckung von Verfehlungen lang angesehener Institutionen beruht.
- Um zu überleben, arbeiten zwei Astronauten zusammen, nachdem sie durch einen Unfall im Weltall auf sich alleine gestellt sind.
- Es bildet sich eine Beziehung zwischen einem begabten jungen Mädchen und einem Mann, der aus dem Gefängnis entsprungen ist und den Auftrag hat, sie vor den bösen Elementen zu schützen, die ihre Macht jagen.
- A young owl meets a lost little girl in New York City. Together, they try to get home for Christmas.
- Flama and Moko are fourteen years old; they have been best friends since they were kids. They have everything they need to survive yet another boring Sunday: an apartment without parents, videogames, porn magazines, soft drinks and pizza delivery. The electricity company, Rita, the neighbor, Ulises, a pizza deliveryman, eleven seconds, the Real Madrid-Manchester game, some chocolate brownies and a horrible painting of ducks, all combine to break the harmony of what promised to be a placid Sunday, and reveal issues such as the parents' divorce, loneliness, the confusion between adolescent love and friendship, as well as frustration in adult life. "Temporada de Patos" is a movie that shows that, when the lights go off, we can see the stars.
- Follow the rebellious girls of a Catholic boarding school before Christmas, a time of war and scarcity.
- Follows the relationship between twin siblings, Jane and Philip K. Dick.
- A love story between a Mexican teenager and an older American woman who meet one summer in Mexico.
- Drawing surprising connections between market methods and CIA torture techniques developed in the 1950s, the film explores how well-known events of the recent past have been theaters for the shock doctrine, from Pinochet's coup in Chile, to the Tiananmen Square Massacre, to the war in Iraq today.
- A look at different matters of the world such as immigration, global warming and capitalism through the eyes of scientists and philosophers.
- In einem Roman wird die geheime Vergangenheit einer Journalistin aufgedeckt, als sie erkennt, dass sie eine Figur in einer Geschichte mit verborgenen Verfehlungen ist.
- Tate is on death row and has only 30 minutes until his execution. He's visited by a priest who tells him he's there to help him break out - as long as Tate agrees to do a job for him. Tate agrees and soon finds himself employed by Milton Winter - who impersonated the priest - to care for a young girl, Bo. She has extraordinary powers - to sense the feelings of others and the ability to influence those around her, among others. There are powerful forces who want to get control of her and her abilities and Tate's first job is to get her out of the hospital after her foster parents were killed by a highly skilled assassin.
- FBI Agent Elizabeth Farrell is in charge of tracking down death row escapee William Tate but is informed by the Director of the FBI that for reasons unknown, Bo Adams is traveling with him. He makes it clear that Bo is far more important than Tate and Farrell is subsequently briefed by geneticist Roman Skouris about her abilities. Bo and Tate meanwhile are on their way to the safe house in Philadelphia but have to stop in Atlantic City on the way. They have no money - something they rectify by having Bo help Tate at the craps table. Bo decides to help a waitress whose 5 year-old son is quite ill but Farrell and her team are quickly homing on them.
- As the dragnet closes, Tate puts his freedom at risk to help Bo find the writer of a long-lost love letter. Meanwhile, Winter makes preparations for an escape from Manhattan as Skouras and Agent Ferrell ramp up the effort to bring Tate and Bo into custody.
- Bo and Tate resurface in Philadelphia where Bo is drawn toward a young woman and her husband, a blogger whose unrelenting pursuit of a mysterious story is threatening to tear the couple apart. Meanwhile, Skouras takes forceful action to track down a traitor within Orchestra.
- With Bo, Winter and Channing in pursuit, Tate travels home to seek out the childhood friends who framed him for murder. Meanwhile at the Orchestra campus, Skouras focuses his attention on the potential of a young telepath.
- Roman Skouris invites his onetime partner and friend Milton Greene to a coffee shop and suggests they set their differences aside and start over. Milton will have nothing to with him and accuses him of just using Bo and her powers for his own self aggrandizement. Flashbacks to 10 years ago show how they began their work together with Bo's mother, Nina Adams. She had powers similar to Bo's and tells Milton she is pregnant. Milton promises Nina he will always protect her child. In the present day, Tate and Bo arrive in New York City. The FBI are quickly onto them and they're forced to leave the safe house. Tate stole a woman's wallet and then returned it for a reward. In the process, he stole a valuable necklace that once belonged to the woman's dead son. When trying to pawn the necklace, Bo comes to understand why she was drawn to that particular shop.
- After an intense confrontation with Zepeda leaves Bo vulnerable, Winter turns to guardians from Bo's past to protect her once again. As Tate and Winter take risky action to help Bo, revisiting the girl's past reveals surprising information about Channing's history. At Orchestra, Skouras pushes Sean to control his telekinetic abilities, with dangerous results.
- Worried that Skouras has developed the ability to locate Bo, Winter sends Channing on a mission to infiltrate the Orchestra campus. Despite Winter's instructions to keep a low profile, Bo is compelled to help a family man who is in over his head.
- Tate's efforts to keep Bo focused on her training are sidetracked when Bo has a premonition of a young musical prodigy dying in a car crash. In the wake of Channing's capture, Winter sets a risky contingency plan in motion. At Orchestra, Skouras tests the powers of Dani, a newly discovered telepath.
- As Channing struggles to recover from her gunshot wound, Winter takes desperate measures to keep her alive. With Winter distracted, Bo and Tate sneak away to confront Skouras and demand he stop pursuing them. Meanwhile, Dani begins to question her position at Orchestra.
- Bo and Tate attempt to stop a subway bombing, only to find themselves trapped in the aftermath.
- When an enraged Dani concentrates her powers on the destruction of Orchestra and Bo, Skouras turns to Winter and Channing for help. Bo and Tate's attempt to start fresh on their own is short-lived when Bo has intense visions of Dani, and pulls them back into danger.