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- Kham muss nach Australien gehen, um seinen gestohlenen Elefanten zurückzuholen. Mit Hilfe eines Detektivs muss Kham es mit einer Bande aufnehmen, die von einer bösen Frau und ihren zwei tödlichen Leibwächtern angeführt wird.
- Nachdem Ihr cop Vater getötet wird, verfolgt eine junge Frau den Mörder mit Hilfe seines ex-Partners
- A hardened American gunslinger is repeatedly thwarted in his attempts to mount a showdown in a friendly town in Canada where no one seems to understand or appreciate the brutal code of the American Wild West.
- Picking up where the original series left off, Scott Bernard continues his search for Rick Hunter and the fate of the SDF-3.
- Five of the best mixed martial arts champions from around the world are forced to play a deadly game, a game to the death.
- Hold on to the edge of your seats as young adrenaline junkies defy all odds, soar from roof tops, head-spin with broken backs, and display the athleticism, determination, and artistic expression that has made these Stunt Sports a global phenomenon. This film documents the struggles and lives of these underground acrobats and showcases how these three urban movements have found their niche in Hollywood and made Tricking, Breaking, and Parkour athletes some of the most sought after stuntmen in show business today. Stunt Sport is directed by The McKaig Bros (Samuel McKaig & Ian McKaig) and produced by Hollywood Film And Media.
- After an angel helped her to cure her heartbreak, a woman creates an agency to help people, who like herself, were hurt in love.